Open dgagne opened 10 years ago
@dgagne This affects the roundtrip tests as well. @dgagne Oddly enough, A.4.1 appears not to be affected. Do you know any possible explanations? It appears as if iGrafx has some issues importing our "normal" reference files while at least this finding cannot be reproduced for the reference file created with Signavio.
Note: The tasks exist and are in the correct sequence. However, they have no name in the task elements:
Excerpt from A.1.0-roundtrip
<process id="diagram_IDAMQDYB" name="A.1.0">
<property name="TransactionAttributes" itemSubjectRef="TransactionAttributes_Item"/>
<startEvent id="shape_IDAA44XB" name="">
<task id="shape_IDA5IMCC" name="">
<task id="shape_IDA1LMCC" name="">
<task id="shape_IDAXOMCC" name="">
<endEvent id="shape_IDAVJDYB" name="">
<sequenceFlow id="connector_IDAILDYB" sourceRef="shape_IDA5IMCC" targetRef="shape_IDA1LMCC"/>
<sequenceFlow id="connector_IDA1MDYB" sourceRef="shape_IDAA44XB" targetRef="shape_IDA5IMCC"/>
<sequenceFlow id="connector_IDAOODYB" sourceRef="shape_IDA1LMCC" targetRef="shape_IDAXOMCC"/>
<sequenceFlow id="connector_IDAEQDYB" sourceRef="shape_IDAXOMCC" targetRef="shape_IDAVJDYB"/>
For our convenience, here is a visualization of the A.1.0 import.
The depiction of all imported test cases are missing the labels on the BPMN elements