bportaluri / WiFiEsp

Arduino WiFi library for ESP8266 modules
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Async web client #229

Open kausikp11 opened 2 months ago

kausikp11 commented 2 months ago

I am working on a project where I need to send the data to server continously.

My current project contains Arduino Nano, SD card, ESP01.

The file size is roughly around 500-550 kB. Currently it works great, but i need to wait till the operation completes.

So missing 2-8 mins of recording samples. Need support to resolve this.

JAndrassy commented 2 months ago

async client is a client which connects asynchronously. when you read the data you can read them by small buffers and do other things in between

kausikp11 commented 2 months ago

Do you have a sample code which can help me know it?

This is my current code.

#include <TMRpcm.h>
#include "WiFiEsp.h"
// Emulate EspSerial on pins 2/3 if not present
#ifndef HAVE_HWEspSerial
#include "SoftwareSerial.h"
SoftwareSerial EspSerial(7, 8); // RX, TX
//WiFiEspClient client;
WiFiEspClient client;
TMRpcm audio;
int file_number = 0;
static int len = 0;
#define CLIENT_BUFFER_SIZE 150 // Adjust this buffer size according to your needs

int buttonState = 0;
//1float flow; //Liters of passing water volume
//1unsigned long pulse_freq;

#define SD_CSPin 4
// delay function for with serial log.

void wait_min() {
  int count = 0;
  int secs = 30;
  while (1) {
    if (count == secs) {
      count = 0;
  return ;
void setup() {
    // initialize serial for debugging
  //Sets up the pins
  pinMode(A0, INPUT);
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(6, INPUT_PULLUP);
//1  pinMode(2, INPUT);
//1  attachInterrupt(0, pulse, RISING); // Setup Interrupt

//  //Serial.println(F("loading... SD card"));
//  if (!SD.begin(SD_CSPin)) {
//    //Serial.println(F("An Error has occurred while mounting SD"));
//  }
//  else {
//    //Serial.println(F("SD card loaded"));
//  }
//  while (!SD.begin(SD_CSPin)) {
//    //Serial.print(F("."));
//    delay(500);
//  }

  // initialize serial for ESP module
  // initialize ESP module
  int status = 0;     // the Wifi radio's status

//  // attempt to connect to WiFi network
  while ( status != WL_CONNECTED) {
    // Connect to WPA/WPA2 network
    status = WiFi.begin("ACT103700825351", "25851250");
  audio.CSPin = SD_CSPin;
  //audio.speakerPin = 3;
void loop() {

  buttonState = digitalRead(6);
  char fileSlNum[3] = "";
    itoa(file_number, fileSlNum, 10);
    char file_name[10] = "";
    strcat(file_name, "spy");
    strcat(file_name, fileSlNum);
    strcat(file_name, ".wav");
  if (buttonState == LOW) {
//1    pulse_freq = 0;
//1    char dataString[20] = "";
    Serial.println("In loop");
    char fileSlNum[3] = "";
    itoa(file_number, fileSlNum, 10);
    char file_name[10] = "";
    strcat(file_name, "spy");
    strcat(file_name, fileSlNum);
    strcat(file_name, ".wav");
    //Serial.print("New File Name: ");
    digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
    audio.startRecording(file_name, 84000, A0);
    //Serial.println("startRecording ");
    // record audio for 2mins. means , in this loop process record 2mins of audio.
    // if you need more time duration recording audio then
    // pass higher value into the wait_min(int mins) function.
//1    flow = .00225 * pulse_freq;
//1    Serial.println(flow);
//1    File dataFile = SD.open("dataset.csv", FILE_WRITE);
//1    strcat(dataString, file_name);
//1    strcat(dataString, ",");
//1    String data = dataString + String(flow);
//1    // if the file is available, write to it:
//1    if (dataFile) {
//1      dataFile.println(data);
//1      dataFile.close();
//1      // print to the serial port too:
//1      //Serial.println(dataString);
//1    }
//1    // if the file isn't open, pop up an error:
//1    else {
//1      //Serial.println("error opening datalog.txt");
//1    }
//1    pulse_freq = 0;
//  if (client.connect("", 8000)) {
//    //Serial.println(F("Start uploading..."));
//  String start_request = "";
//  String end_request = "";
//  String filename="spy0.wav";
//  start_request = start_request + "\n" + "------WebKitFormBoundaryuPbojkvQ2buPPB8a" + "\n" + "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"myfile\";filename="+filename+"\n" + "Content-Type: audio/wav" + "\n" + "\n";
//  end_request = end_request + "\n" + "-------WebKitFormBoundaryuPbojkvQ2buPPB8a--" + "\n";
//  len=len+start_request.length();
//  len=len+end_request.length();
//  client.println(F("POST /home HTTP/1.1"));
//  client.println(F("Host:"));
//  client.println(F("Content-Type: form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryuPbojkvQ2buPPB8a"));
//  client.print(F("Content-Length: "));
//  client.println(String(len));
//  client.print(start_request);
//  File audio_file = SD.open("spy0.wav");
//  if(audio_file){
//    byte clientBuf[64];
//    int clientCount =0;
//    while(audio_file.available()){
//      clientBuf[clientCount] = audio_file.read();
//      clientCount++;
//      if(clientCount>63){
//        client.write(clientBuf,64);
//        clientCount=0;
//      }
//      if(clientCount>0) client.write(clientBuf,clientCount);
//      audio_file.close();
//    }
//    delay(1);
//    client.println(end_request);
//    client.stop();
//  }
//  //Serial.println(end_request);
// }
    digitalWrite(3, LOW);

void sendFileToServer(const char* fileName) {
//  String file;
//  file+=String(fileName);
//  Serial.println("In func");
//  Serial.println(file);
//  file.toUpperCase();
//  Serial.println(file);
  File audioFile = SD.open(fileName);
  if (!audioFile) {
    Serial.println("Error opening file");

  // Connect to the server
  if (client.connect("", 8000)) {
    Serial.println("Connected to server");

    // Send HTTP headers
    client.println(F("POST /simple_upload/ HTTP/1.1"));
    client.print(F("Host: "));
    client.println(F("Connection: close"));
    client.println(F("Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW"));
    client.print(F("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"myfile\"; filename=\""));
    client.println(F("Content-Type: audio/wav")); // Set content type to audio/mpeg
    client.println(F("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"));
    client.print(F("Content-Length: "));

//    Serial.println(F("POST /simple_upload/ HTTP/1.1"));
//    Serial.print(F("Host: "));
//    Serial.println("");
//    //Serial.println(F("Connection: close"));
//    Serial.print(F("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"myfile\"; filename=\""));
//    Serial.print(fileName);
//    Serial.println(F("\""));
//    Serial.println(F("Content-Type: audio/wav")); // Set content type to audio/mpeg
//    Serial.println(F("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"));
//    Serial.print(F("Content-Length: "));
//    Serial.println(audioFile.size());
//    Serial.println();
//    Serial.println(F("This is sending"));
//    Serial.println(audioFile.size());

    // Send the file content
    uint8_t buf[CLIENT_BUFFER_SIZE]; // Buffer to read from SD card
    size_t bytesRead;

    // Send the file content
    while ((bytesRead = audioFile.read(buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) {
      client.write(buf, bytesRead);

    // End of the request

    //Serial.println(F("File sent"));
  } else {
    Serial.println(F("Connection failed"));

//1void pulse () // Interrupt function
//1  pulse_freq++;
kausikp11 commented 2 months ago

Is it possible to use the wifi to transmit data in background?

JAndrassy commented 2 months ago

Is it possible to use the wifi to transmit data in background?

the esp-01 does the WiFi and transmits the data over WiFi. so it is already in the background.

kausikp11 commented 2 months ago

Ok, but what I am trying to ask is if I give 250kb of data to it can it be sent without waiting for it to complete?

As in the above code, I can record noise using tmrpcm without any interference. I can even run other code it will record in the background.

Is it possible to share data like that?

JAndrassy commented 2 months ago

no the Nano can't do it