bportaluri / WiFiEsp

Arduino WiFi library for ESP8266 modules
GNU General Public License v3.0
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SSL and SoftwareSerial on 9600 bps #91

Open slazzen opened 7 years ago

slazzen commented 7 years ago


I encounter what I assume is timing/buffer issues when using SSL WebClient, i.e. when running the WebClientSSL example sketch.

When running 9600 bps it seems that incoming traffic collides with AT+CIPSTATUS issued by getClientState, hence output from AT+CIPSTATUS never completes and breaks. At higher speeds problems seem to disappear, but serial communications are unstable and garbled.

Log example when problem appears: image

Log example with no problem (but unstable due to high baud rate): image

Rgds slazzen

JiriBilek commented 7 years ago

I am afraid the problem is deep in AT command protocol. The protocol is duplex, either party can be master. The mixing of command responses and new commands from the other party is rather common and often breaks down the communication. I don't know if a solution exists.