bpozdena / OneDriveGUI

A simple GUI for OneDrive Linux client with multi-account support.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Keep scroll position if not at the top of the list #95

Closed JL102 closed 1 year ago

JL102 commented 1 year ago

I found it difficult to click on the folder path of an item when lots of things were being downloaded, making the list fly by. This will auto-increment the list's scroll value if it's nonzero when a new item is added, such that the visual scroll position of the list does not change.

bpozdena commented 1 year ago

@JL102 , unfortunately this does not work. I'm not even sure how it's meant to work or how it was tested.

You are currently incrementing the scrollbar value by 1 each time a new list item is added/deleted/updated. This causes the scrollbar to reach the end after several events, which makes it even more janky then it currently is.


JL102 commented 1 year ago

Oops, I assumed it was an integer that went from 0 to the maximum item in the list, not a percent. I guess we could multiply it by 100 / (the # of items in the list) ?

Does it only stop working as expected when there's a really really long list? During all of my testing, it worked perfectly as expected.

bpozdena commented 1 year ago

Sry, I removed the % symbol. It was not meant to be there. The currentScrollValue should correspond to the item index.

The issue is mostly caused by the fact that the first item is often being deleted and then re-added with updated values (different download progress, different state (downloading|done|deleted), etc.). I guess I did it this way because I was lazy and it was easier then changing values in the last item.

bpozdena commented 1 year ago

@JL102, I applied a small patch to it. All good now.

Thanks for the PR!

P.S. If you plan on adding more code in the future, please use Black formatter and set --line-length to 150.