bpozdena / OneDriveGUI

A simple GUI for OneDrive Linux client with multi-account support.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Show file transfer timestamps in GUI #97

Open bpozdena opened 1 year ago

bpozdena commented 1 year ago
          > We would probably also have to show the time when the event happened, which would need completely new layout, etc.

@bpozdena Funnily enough, I was working on just that earlier today, right after I opened that issue 😅 - There was space to the right of the file name, which I think is perfect for a timestamp.

I tried to turn it into a "5 minutes ago" / "2 hours ago" / "Just now" timestamp, but it would require updating the widgets' text as you scroll through them, but it would require a way to fire some kind of event as a given TaskList widget becomes visible as you scroll (i.e., updating its timestamp once it appears again in the list), and I couldn't find a way to do that. screenshot

Originally posted by @JL102 in https://github.com/bpozdena/OneDriveGUI/issues/96#issuecomment-1496855036

bpozdena commented 1 year ago

@JL102 , I've created a separate issue for this.

I'm not able to work on this now, but in theory you would need to update the X minutes/hours/days ago timestamp periodically about once a minute via QTimer. The timestamps should also update when user scrolls the list, which should technically be doable via the valueChanged() signal

So maybe something like this would work?

self.profile_status_pages[profile].listWidget.verticalScrollBar().valueChanged.connect(<< update_timestamps >>)

To minimize CPU utilization in case there are thousands of list items, the << update_timestamps >> function should update the visible list items only (and maybe +-50 more as a scroll buffer) . Or maybe just update certain percentage of the list items based on verticalScrollBar().value().

If you get stuck, feel free to share the partial code. I can try to take another look.

bpozdena commented 11 months ago

Also add s small icon next to the timestamp which will indicate if file was downloaded/uploaded/deleted. ref.: #121

JL102 commented 11 months ago

Howdy! I'm really sorry, but I stopped using OneDrive entirely after all the frustrations I was having with its speed and limitations. When I found out that the OneDrive Linux client had to filter through ALL files due to the API's limitations (since ignored/selectively un-synced files were done client side) I switched over to a self-hosted Nextcloud server. So unfortunately, I don't really have the means (or need) to work on OneDriveGUI. But I hope it continues to go well for you!

JL102 commented 11 months ago

🤦Please excuse me, I didn't notice until now that you wrote this issue in April. Only saw the notification when you updated it 12 hours ago and thought you wrote the original issue on the same day.

Smig0l commented 1 week ago

any ETA on the timestamps and this

Also add s small icon next to the timestamp which will indicate if file was downloaded/uploaded/deleted.

thanks! using v1.0.3 b 150

bpozdena commented 1 week ago

any ETA on the timestamps and this

Unfortunately, I have not had much time for this project lately. But I usually get a bit more time during winter time, so maybe Q4 2024 or Q1 2025?

I will now focus on release of GUI v1.1.0 which supports onedrive client v2.5.0. Once that is released and stable, I will try to focus on additional enhancements.