bquistorff / synth_runner

A tool to run a pool of synthetic controls, conduct inference, and produce visualizations.
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error running program on a linux server #18

Closed irinahoroi closed 6 years ago

irinahoroi commented 6 years ago


Before submitting an issue, please check (with x in brackets) that you:

Expected behavior and actual behavior

Ive installed the packages on my local and it works great. But now I've moved to working on a linux server and i get the following error that I have traced out (this is running the 1st smoking.dta example listed in the help documentation):

" = calc_RMSPE , i_start(20) i_end(31) local(post_rmspe)
    ------------------------------------------------------ end synth_wrapper ---
  - if _rc==1 error 1
  - if _rc{
  - di as err "Error estimating treatment effect for unit `tr_unit'"
  = di as err "Error estimating treatment effect for unit 3"
Error estimating treatment effect for unit 3
  - error _rc
unrecognized command
    if `num_rep'>5 _sr_print_dots `g' `num_rep'
    if `training_propr'>0{
    calc_RMSPE , i_start(`=`ntraining'+1') i_end(`=`ntraining'+`nvalidation'') l
> ocal(val_rmspe)
    local pfile_post "(`val_rmspe')"
    post `phandle' (`n') (`e(pre_rmspe)') (`e(post_rmspe)') `pfile_post'
    _sr_add_keepfile_to_agg, keep(`ind_file') aggfile(`agg_file') tper_var(`tper
> _var') tper(`tper') unit(`tr_unit') depvar(`depvar') pre_rmspe(`e(pre_rmspe)')
>  post_rmspe(`e(post_rmspe)')
  ------------------------------------------------------- end _sr_do_work_tr ---
----------------------------------------------------------- end synth_runner ---

The synth program works on its own.

Steps to reproduce the problem

Please include a minimal, complete, and verifiable example. If possible, use system-provided or generated data. Otherwise please link to data so that the example can be verified by others. Format the code with an initial and final line of three backticks(`) for readability (see GitHub's markdown formatting)

System information

bquistorff commented 6 years ago

The tracedepth on that log isn't deep enough to tell what caused the error. Can you provide a minimal, complete, and verifiable example using public data?

bquistorff commented 6 years ago

A user reported to me offline that an issue with install on Linux is that all file names are installed as lowercase so calc_RMSPE.ado because calc_rmspe.ado and all calls to calc_RMSPE failed. I think this was the issue there. I've made all commands lowercase, fixing this issue. Thanks to user who helped me offline!

BaileyIngraham commented 1 year ago


I'm getting the same error on a linux server using the latest version of the synth package from the website and version 16.1 of Stata. Was this correction of making all commands lowercase carried forward to the most recent package?


bquistorff commented 1 year ago

Please try with the latest version on GitHub (see install on main page).