br3ttb / Arduino-PID-AutoTune-Library

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Tuning plot doesn't seems like Bret's Blog Example #21

Closed edgsc closed 5 years ago

edgsc commented 5 years ago

Hi Guys,

This is what what the graph Setpoint (S), Input (I) (both left axis), and Output (O - right axis) looks like.


for Lookback =10 Step =30 Noise = 2.0, it gets Ku=152 Pu=2699

kp: | 91,67 | ki: | 0,68 | kd: | 3085,77

It doesn't looks like Bret's example on his blog:


Obs: time is in seconds (horizontal axis)

But with the obtained parameters (kp, ki, kd) I can get the input to be 31.95 - 32.05 (setpoint 32), so it seems fine.

But I wonder why we don't see the output as HIGH ad LOW pulses, neither the input as clear peaks.

SampleTime of data is 0,96 seconds, +-0,024 seconds. It's tuned after 1178 seconds; as you can see, the perfomance is fine.



Sorry, my mistake, there was a PID.comput() being run while tuning. Closed issue.