Open tomislav12 opened 1 year ago
Another question, I found this inside the library code:
This function will be used far more often than SetInputLimits. while
the input to the controller will generally be in the 0-1023 range (which is
the default already,) ...."
Is input really needed to be 0-1023 or can it be eg 0-12? Anyway, I cannot find the function SetInputLimits or the default(1023) mentioned in the code of this library...
There are no bounds on the input limits. The input need only be in the same units/range to be compatible with Setpoint, so that these calculations make sense:
This reference to a non-existent SetInputLimits is spurious:
double Setpoint, Input, Output; PID myPID(&Input, &Output, &Setpoint, 0, 0, 0, DIRECT);
setup() { Input = 10; Setpoint = 10; double Kp = 10; // CHANGED double Ki = 0; double Kd = 0; myPID.SetOutputLimits(-200, 200); myPID.SetSampleTime(16); myPID.SetMode(AUTOMATIC); myPID.SetTunings(Kp, Ki, Kd); } loop() { // below is simplified, in real code it is in some function call): Input = 5; // (simplified change) myPID.Compute(); SerialBT.println(Output); // only takes initial params into consideration (0,0,0) ! Why is that? }
Second question, I need to have params 20,0,-10, can Kd be below zero?