brabster / crucible

AWS CloudFormation templates built with Clojure
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Spec for internet-gateway #119

Closed keerts closed 6 years ago

keerts commented 6 years ago

The following spec is playing with me:

(defresource internet-gateway (ec2 "InternetGateway") (s/? (s/keys :opt [::res/tags]))) If I read it correctly, both of the following should be conformant:

   :ig-next (ec2/internet-gateway)
   :ig-next (ec2/internet-gateway {::res/tags [{::res/key "Name" ::res/value "next"}]})

But the second form yields the following:

1. Unhandled clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
   Invalid resource properties
                        ({:path [],
                          :pred map?,
                           [#:crucible.resources{:key "Name",
                                                 :value "next"}]],
                          :via [],
                          :in [0]}),
                        {:clojure.spec.alpha/op :clojure.spec.alpha/alt,
                         (#object[clojure.spec.alpha$map_spec_impl$reify__1931 0x5ab09b8a "clojure.spec.alpha$map_spec_impl$reify__1931@5ab09b8a"]
                           :ret :clojure.spec.alpha/nil}),
                         :ks nil,

Must be my lacking experience with spec, but I need a little help understanding the error. Any help appreciated.

keerts commented 6 years ago

Also, should ::tags be replaced by ::res/tags, like:

-(defresource internet-gateway (ec2 "InternetGateway") (s/? (s/keys :opt [::tags]))) +(defresource internet-gateway (ec2 "InternetGateway") (s/? (s/keys :opt [::res/tags])))

Again, my Clojure / spec experience might be lacking, any explanation greatly appreciated.

brabster commented 6 years ago

I think the s/? only works on sequences within s/cat. I think if you take that out it'll work but I haven't checked yet.

keerts commented 6 years ago

It can be s/nilable if you meant to make the map optional.

keerts commented 6 years ago

And it will also work when removing the s/? then you will always have to pass the empty map.