brabster / crucible

AWS CloudFormation templates built with Clojure
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Add support for more AWS::EC2 resources #129

Closed keerts closed 6 years ago

keerts commented 6 years ago

AWS::EC2::Route AWS::EC2::RouteTable AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupEgress AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment

keerts commented 6 years ago

For this one I followed the structure as proposed by @taffowl. The reason is a conflict between definitions for security group ingress and the embedded ones referenced from security-group. I made one change to the structure put in place by the ecs support. I put the (defresource) in the resource definition itself. This makes it possible to reuse specs from ec2.clj, like for example vpc-id that is used more than once. In order to prevent circular references the (defresource) cannot be in ec2.clj. Also, this one require less from a cloudformation template using the resource.