brabster / dbt_materialized_udf

Experimenting with DBT UDF-as-a-materialization
MIT License
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Postgres support #1

Open moodgorning opened 2 weeks ago

moodgorning commented 2 weeks ago

I modified your code to work with postgres, do you want me to submit a PR? it's pretty basic, but a good starting point for someone with the same problem in postgres. tested and works on my DB

moodgorning commented 2 weeks ago

Oh and thanks a lot for putting this together, the behaviour of UDFs in DBT was really annoying and this just integrates it elegantly

brabster commented 2 weeks ago

Hi that sounds great thanks! I guess there can be another .sql file alongside udf.sql like udf_postgres.sql for another adapter?

moodgorning commented 2 weeks ago

yeah something like that I think. I was playing around a bit with the return types, as I need to return SETOF [some other table] and it git a bit complicated with Schema management Here is what I have so far:

{% materialization udf, adapter="postgres" %}
{%- set target = this.database ~ '.' ~ this.schema ~ '.' ~ this.identifier -%}

{%- set parameter_list=config.get('parameter_list') -%}
{% if  config.get('returns') == "SETOF"%}
{% if config.get('return_schema') is none %}
{%- set ret='SETOF ' ~ this.database ~ '.' ~ this.schema ~ '.' ~ config.get('return_type') -%}
{% else %}
{%- set ret='SETOF ' ~ config.get('return_schema') ~ '.' ~ config.get('return_type') -%}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{%- set ret=config.get('return_type') -%}
{% endif %}
{%- set volatility=config.get('volatility') -%}
{%- set language=config.get('language') -%}
{%- set description=config.get('description') -%}

{%- set create_sql -%}
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION {{ target }}({{ parameter_list }})
RETURNS {{ ret }}
AS $$
  {{ sql }}
$$ LANGUAGE {{ language }} {{ volatility }};
{%- endset -%}

{% call statement('main') -%}
  {{ create_sql }}
{%- endcall %}

{{ adapter.commit() }}

{{ return({'relations': []}) }}

{% endmaterialization %}
brabster commented 2 weeks ago

Feel free to just share what you have. I'm not providing any support for this repo, but happy to help folks share and collaborate.

:thinking: I think if there's interest in this approach to UDFs then perhaps it's best supported by the appropriate adapter. They are likely to already have testing and quality control mechanisms set up and understand the security models. I don't suppose any explicit support from dbt Labs is needed

moodgorning commented 1 week ago

yeah it would be nice to have top-level support for UDFs.