Live Preview does not work with pages which are rendered by templates. It works for static files and also opens up a new browser window.
Though LiveReload plugin available in the Brackets extension registry overcomes the above shortcomings, it has to be installed in every browser.
If we can bring the features of browsersync as a new plugin, the task of installing the plugin in every browser can be avoided. To add to that, it synchronises actions like scrolling or clicking between browsers of not only the same device but cross-device.
Issue by kanika1901kapoor Sunday Feb 12, 2017 at 19:52 GMT Originally opened as
Browsersync plugin for brackets
Live Preview does not work with pages which are rendered by templates. It works for static files and also opens up a new browser window.
Though LiveReload plugin available in the Brackets extension registry overcomes the above shortcomings, it has to be installed in every browser.
If we can bring the features of browsersync as a new plugin, the task of installing the plugin in every browser can be avoided. To add to that, it synchronises actions like scrolling or clicking between browsers of not only the same device but cross-device.