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clickhouse Backup and Restore issue - tables are empty after the restore. #14870

Open core-ai-bot opened 2 years ago

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Issue by kishorer00 Friday Jun 18, 2021 at 16:39 GMT Originally opened as


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click house Backup and Restore issue - tables are empty after the restore.

Click-house deployed using : Trying Backup and Restore by checking Article:

[Description of the bug or feature]

2.Restored to Newly deployed Clichouse server

./clickhouse-backup restore -c config.yml 'BACKUPDATA'

  1. Created the Backup again

    ./clickhouse-backup create -c config.yml

Backup fie Size 5.9M - File size comes down & a lot of tables are empty. Attachment for your reference.

Tried Below scenario as well ..

Steps to Reproduce


  1. Deploy click-house docker container on CentOS 7 using the link:
  2. Create some Databases and tables
  3. Try Backup and re-store ..After the Re-store verify the tables and content (rows/columns)

Expected behavior: [What you expected to happen]

Actual behavior: [What actually happened]


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Please help me with this ...

kishorer00 commented 2 years ago
pavan-datazip commented 1 year ago

@kishorer00 did you find solutions to this problem ? I am facing the same issue now and have no leads.

kishorer00 commented 1 year ago

Backups are creating the Hard links ,while generating the backups, once you copy the backup its showing the full size .. its already resolved in CH Foram