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Live Preview breaks when entering "<" to start a new tag in html -- Issue unresolved since YEARS -- Unfixable? #14872

Open core-ai-bot opened 2 years ago

core-ai-bot commented 2 years ago

Issue by Huygenz Friday Jul 09, 2021 at 16:45 GMT Originally opened as



This issue is unresolved for some years now and well known. When editing html, live preview breaks as soon as we start to enter a tag. Live preview breaks at inputting <. Live preview is notifying that it broke because of syntax error.

PLEASE, PLEASE listen anyone...Live Preview is a killer-feature that isn't getting the attention it deserves.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open a htlm file.
  2. Start Live Preview.
  3. Enter a "<".
  4. Live Preview is useless now.

Expected behavior: Live Preview should just keep on rendering our input. It's totally ok when we can see the code we enter until we close the tag. Live Preview should start to assemble the tag only when it's closed.

Actual behavior: Live Preview breaks and is unusable while editing html. It starts working again by saving the file and refresh browser. Breaks again immediately when continuing to edit.


Windows Release 1.14 Build 1.14.2-17770 (release-1.14.2 f71f00acc)