brackets-userland / brackets-eslint

Adds ESLint support to Brackets
MIT License
43 stars 15 forks source link

How to configure (missing link in README file)? #46

Closed matronator closed 8 years ago

matronator commented 8 years ago

So I have everything installed in brackets but only error it shows is when I put single (unclosed) curly bracket somewhere in the code. Otherwise it always shows green check mark even when there are errors. So I guess I must configure it somehow but I can't find clear instructions and the link to sample file in is dead. How should the config file look, where do I put it and is there anything else that needs to be done in order for Brackets to be able to get all the files it needs?

zaggino commented 8 years ago

You configure it the same way you'd configure eslint without Brackets. Just place .eslintrc file in your project like you can see for example here:

Read more here:

zaggino commented 8 years ago

Extension should provide you the same results/checks that you get when you run eslint . from the command line/terminal of your project directory.

zaggino commented 8 years ago

Tip: go to your project folder and run:

npm install -g eslint
eslint --init

That will create a configuration file for you.

matronator commented 8 years ago

Thanks! :)