Closed sudheeshcm closed 7 years ago
Tried with the following versions too. Still issue exists.
apples-MacBook-Pro:server Sudheesh$ npm ls --depth=0
redux-node-app-server@1.0.0 /Users/sudheesh/Development/Learn/redux-node-app/server
├── eslint@3.10.2
├── eslint-config-airbnb@13.0.0
├── eslint-plugin-import@2.2.0
├── eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y@2.2.3
├── eslint-plugin-react@6.10.0
├── express@4.14.1
├── gulp@3.9.1
├── gulp-babel@6.1.2
├── gulp-eslint@3.0.1
├── gulp-nodemon@2.2.1
└── node-config-manager@1.2.0
Can you upload your app to github so I can clone it and replicate the issue?
Sure. I've just started development. You can find this issue in the server code.
Hi, I cloned your repo and opened it in brackets with brackets-eslint without any problems:
Similar issue -
I've created a sample redux-node-app, where I have this issue with brackets editor. Gulp task for eslint works. eslint command line works. npm run lint ("lint": "eslint . --ext .js,.jsx") works.
Brackets version: 1.8 build 1.8.0-17108 Node: v6.9.2
Not sure why I get those npm errors in the end.
Thanks, Sudheesh CM