brackets-userland / brackets-git

brackets-git — git extension for adobe/brackets
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Failed push to Git-FTP remote. #1209

Open macbookandrew opened 8 years ago

macbookandrew commented 8 years ago
  1. Upgrade to OS X El Capitan
  2. Try to push to an existing git-ftp server

Brackets 1.4.0-16380 (mac), Git 2.6.1 & Brackets-Git 0.14.32

Failed push to Git-FTP remote.

Error: git: 'ftp' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

Did you mean this?
call: git ftp push --scope production
Error: git: 'ftp' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

Did you mean this?
    at Object.exports.toError (file:///Users/andrew/Library/Application%20Support/Brackets/extensions/user/zaggino.brackets-git/src/ErrorHandler.js:162:19)
    at NodeConnection.<anonymous> (file:///Users/andrew/Library/Application%20Support/Brackets/extensions/user/zaggino.brackets-git/src/Cli.js:185:44)
    at j (file:///Applications/
    at Object.k.fireWith (file:///Applications/
    at NodeConnection._receive (/utils/NodeConnection.js:498:34)
macbookandrew commented 8 years ago

I have “Path to Git executable” set to /usr/local/bin/git, where both git and git-ftp reside. However, I’m still getting the error above when trying to push to a server using Git-FTP.

Here’s output from my Terminal detailing the git and git-ftp installations:

$ whereis git
$ /usr/bin/git --version
git version 2.3.8 (Apple Git-58)
$ which git
$ /usr/local/bin/git --version
git version 2.6.1
$ which git-ftp
$ /usr/local/bin/git-ftp --version
git-ftp version 1.0.2

The Brackets console lists the correct git executable specified in brackets-git preferences, but is still throwing the error: screen shot 2015-10-14 at 1 59 59 pm

If I copy the command from the Brackets console and paste into Terminal, it works just fine:

$ /usr/local/bin/git-ftp push --scope production
There are 1 files to sync:
[1 of 1] Buffered for upload 'functions.php'.
Uploading ...
Last deployment changed to 85452f4ef8d8834a64df0a48df95f9303e704242.

@FezVrasta Any thoughts? I know I could disable SIP and move git-ftp into /usr/bin/ and that might fix it, but this should be working just fine as well.

VitaliyAT commented 8 years ago

screenshot 28 it's still a problem (Win 10, Brakets 1.7) screenshot 27