brackets-userland / brackets-git

brackets-git — git extension for adobe/brackets
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Edit Undo History #1279

Closed sensaetions closed 8 years ago

sensaetions commented 8 years ago

First and foremost, I love this extension! Love making all of my git commands from within Brackets.

However, I've noticed that I'm unable to undo my edits/change after saving my files in Brackets. After following the instructions to disable multiple extensions using the method on this page [], I've concluded that Brackets Git is the culprit for disabling Bracket's Edit history.

I know many people have experienced this issue []. I'm curious if you're aware of this issue, and if you are, will there be a fix for this extension to re-enable Bracket's Edit abilities {Undo/Redo} in the near future?

Thanks in advance!

zaggino commented 8 years ago

Hi, do you mean you can't undo after saving OR after making a commit? If it's after saving, disable the feature that cleans whitespace after file save. If it's after commit, disable the other whitespace modifying features. I've marked them on the screenshot: image

Much more about this has been written here:

sensaetions commented 8 years ago

Ah, so it was that "clear whitespace on file save" option that was disabling Bracket's Edit history features. Turning that off solved my problem. Thank you so much!