brackets-userland / brackets-git

brackets-git — git extension for adobe/brackets
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Open terminal button not working anymore #1293

Closed timvdalen closed 8 years ago

timvdalen commented 8 years ago

Starting today, the open terminal button has stopped working.

In the console, I see the following:

[brackets-git] cmd-execute: {workingdir} -> C:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe /bin/env CHERE_INVOKING=1 /bin/bash -l
[brackets-git] cmd-execute-out (2ms;ID=26)

Executing this command (through an existing terminal or the Windows Run dialog) works fine.

I tried replacing the terminal command with touch, which seems to confirm that the command is not being executed.

zaggino commented 8 years ago

Did you install new version of Git or something? There was no change to this functionality in a very long time.

timvdalen commented 8 years ago

No, I didn't change anything in my system. git commands work fine by the way, it's just the terminal button that has stopped working.

zaggino commented 8 years ago

No idea, try debugging this method in debug tools of Brackets:

timvdalen commented 8 years ago

The problem seems to be inside Cli.executeCommand. The promised returned there never resolves or rejects.

Stepping through that function, I noticed that here: resolved is false, but out is empty.

I'm not really sure what that means but I'm guessing that[domainName][method](opts.cwd, cmd, args, domainOpts) is the thing that actually executes the command?

zaggino commented 8 years ago

That look fine, out should be empty there because terminal command doesn't return anything. Promise gets resolved so the line was executed. Weird that it doesn't open the terminal on your machine. Maybe it's something with cygwin? Have you tried using the default mintty which comes with Git? The one in C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe (the default for the extension)

timvdalen commented 8 years ago

But shouldn't resolved be true if the command executed successfully?

I don't have git-bash installed but I'll give that a try. Note however that it also doesn't work with any other program (for instance cmd.exe). All options I've tried pass the 'validation' stage where the plugin figures out if the executable actually exists.

All commands also work fine if I try to execute them as a system call (or through another terminal or the windows run dialog).

zaggino commented 8 years ago

resolved variable holds the boolean information about the promise and false means it was not yet resolved (by timeout or task cancellation)

zaggino commented 8 years ago

Try executing some bat file (echo helloworld) which returns some text and see if that text gets through I guess.

timvdalen commented 8 years ago

Oh I see, that's the status for the promise returned by the main function, not[domainName][method]

I'll dig deeper into that function.

Try executing some bat file (echo helloworld) which returns some text and see if that text gets through I guess.

I've already tried that (and something like touch) but it really looks like it's not being executed.

zaggino commented 8 years ago

It's weird that this doesn't work and the git commands do ... they share the[domainName][method] part ... are you running with administrator rights on the machine?

timvdalen commented 8 years ago

I just tried setting my terminal command to my git path, with as arg init.

If I execute that, the[domainName][method] function is executed with correect\path\to\git.exe, ["init"], after which nothing happens.

While trying to reproduce what happened when I clicked the Init button in the UI, I discovered that that, too, didn't do anything. Most of the other commands (at least committing, branching, pulling, pushing) work fine.

I think I'll try to reinstall Brackets, the plugin, clean my preferences file and see where that gets me.

timvdalen commented 8 years ago

Okay, my button just started working again. I have no idea what changed, but I'm going to assume this plugin had nothing to do with the actual problem.

zaggino commented 8 years ago

Well, I definitely didn't change any codes :) Closing this then...