brackets-userland / brackets-git

brackets-git — git extension for adobe/brackets
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Brackets extension manager isn't aware of the auto update #1303

Open tilwinjoy opened 8 years ago

tilwinjoy commented 8 years ago

I believe this plugin automatically updates itself, because sometimes when I open Brackets I get a popup window saying that Brackets Git has been updated to a newer version without any interaction from my side.

But the issue is that Brackets extension manager doesn't seem to be aware of this, so it turns green:


Once I open it, I find an update for Brackets Git:


And when I click update I get the below message, probably becuase the plugin already updated itself.


If I overwrite, I'm often presented with the "Unable to connect to NodeJS" error window so I have to restart brackets.

Since I don't know which plugin is having update when the extension manager icon shows green, I often opens it only to find out it's Brackets Git, and the available version is already installed.

Please either disable the auto update, or inform the Brackets extension manager about the auto update so that it doesn't show active icon.

I'm using Brackets 1.7.0 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

zaggino commented 8 years ago

There's definitely no auto-update implemented by this extension.

tilwinjoy commented 8 years ago

Below is the modal I get when I open brackets. Must be some kind of auto update right?


zaggino commented 8 years ago

Changelog appears once after you update, then it should appear again after you restart.

tilwinjoy commented 8 years ago

Just once for the first restart after updating the plugin right? But the strange thing is that I got this modal even today morning, I already have this version (as you can see from the screen shots taken a week ago) and I haven't manually updated it since there is no new update available.

So it seems there is an issue with informing Brackets that the plugin is updated and the change log modal was shown already..?

zaggino commented 8 years ago

It also displays when your state directory has been cleared. (ie when you clear all the settings or delete files in C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Brackets)

zaggino commented 8 years ago

Basically it writes the version for which it has shown you the modal into state.json. Then if version changes, it shows you the modal and writes the info again into state.json

tilwinjoy commented 8 years ago

Today I got the popup shown below. It says plugin updated to 0.16.5. I did not update the plugin. I did not mess with the folder mentioned above as well. I'm the only person using this computer.

Looking at the releases in this repo, there is no such release. Any idea what's going on here? Does the change log look familiar?

Edit: I just found the change log, and there is such version even though there is no such release? The plugin is updating itself without my permission!

screenshot from 2016-07-15 10 10 09

zaggino commented 8 years ago

No idea, I'm not touching brackets-git at all and you're the only one reporting this problem. Do you have any cleanup software installed on your machine which might be cleaning up your application data folders?