brackets-userland / brackets-git

brackets-git — git extension for adobe/brackets
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My file is not uploaded to Github #1325

Closed luthfifr closed 8 years ago

luthfifr commented 8 years ago

Man, thanks for this great stuff, but it wouldn't be so great if my files couldn't be uploaded to Github. I init git in my working folder and then I hit Commit Button, after it finished I hit Push Button (of course I already add my github repo url as remote git), but when I check in my github repo, only 1 file is uploaded, the rest is not. I have more than 1400 files in that folder.

screenshot at nov 16 17-24-27

Would you give me a clue what did I miss or what did I do wrong?


zaggino commented 8 years ago

When you're commiting, you need to check every file you want to commit. Or check all files.

luthfifr commented 8 years ago

I'm pretty sure that all files were checked. It solved now, I did a little mess using git command line, and finally it all can be pushed.