brackets-userland / brackets-npm-registry

Extension to install other extensions with npm
MIT License
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Mac install fails: Looking for main in /dist folder #12

Closed davidwaterston closed 9 years ago

davidwaterston commented 9 years ago

I just tried installing this extension on a Mac (OSX Yosemite 10.10.2), Brackets Release 1.2 build 1.2.0-15697 (release 8f82e2a97), using the instructions in the README. The clone and npm install went smoothly but the extension shows in Extension Manager as in error with only a 'Remove' option. Looking in the Dev Tools I see this error:

[Extension] failed to load /Users/David/Library/Application Support/Brackets/extensions/user/brackets-npm-registry - Module does not exist: file:///Users/David/Library/Application%20Support/Brackets/extensions/user/brackets-npm-registry/dist/main.js

The folder name 'Users/David/Library/Application%20Support/Brackets/extensions/user/brackets-npm-registry' is correct. main.js is in that folder and tries to require 'dist/main' but that folder ('dist') doesn't exist.

zaggino commented 9 years ago

dist folder is generated by npm install command, try running npm install again to be sure there're no errors. Alternatively, you can run gulp build inside the cloned folder to create the dist folder.

davidwaterston commented 9 years ago

Obvious now that you mention it... I didn't have Gulp installed on that machine and didn't realise it was required. Installed Gulp and reran the npm install and it installed properly.

zaggino commented 9 years ago

Do you mean you had to install gulp globally? With npm install --global gulp-cli? I thought npm install should be able to execute local gulp without having it installed globally.

davidwaterston commented 9 years ago

Yes, the error was:

npm WARN cannot run in wd brackets-npm-registry@0.2.0 gulp build (wd=/Users/David/Library/Application Support/Brackets/extensions/user/brackets-npm-registry)

which is fairly common with npm - I didn't have permissions to run in that folder. There are a few workarounds but installing Gulp globally was the easiest.

zaggino commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the info, I'll update the README