brad-cannell / codebookr

Create Codebooks From Data Frames
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Create a convenience function for printing out multiple calls to cb_add_col_attributes #34

Open mbcann01 opened 1 year ago

mbcann01 commented 1 year ago


This function works, just need to wrap it up

  .x = select(motivate, starts_with("arth")) %>% names(),
  .f = ~ cat(paste0('
    cb_add_col_attributes( \n    ',
      "  ", .x, ', \n    ',
      "  ", 'description = ""
    ) %>%

I want to be able to pass tidy select directly to the function and the attributes that I want to add a value for. It may also be cool to be able to provide a default value for each attribute.

# Work on the name
  .cols  = select(motivate, starts_with("arth")),
  .attrs = list(
    source = "Arthritis Self-Efficacy",
    value_labels = c("Very Uncertain" = 1, "Very certain" = 10)

But instead of printing out code, why not just make this add the attributes?

This need to be a separate issue (just writing it here before I forget), but I may also want quick add functions for each of the five special attributes.

cb_add_source(select(motivate, starts_with("arth")), "Arthritis Self-Efficacy"))

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