brad-cannell / r4epi

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Review and improve the measures of occurrence chapter #104

Open mbcann01 opened 1 year ago

mbcann01 commented 1 year ago


In the Fall of 2023, I moved over a bunch of stuff from PowerPoint slides (nearly) verbatim. I was in a rush, so I told myself to move it just move it over and improve it later.

Go back, reread, and improve. PowerPoint doesn't always translate perfectly to book format.


mbcann01 commented 1 year ago

Add these sections back

Relation between Incidence and Prevalence

$${Prevalence} \approx {Incidence} * {Duration}$$

$$\frac{Prevalence\, Proportion}{1 - Prevalence\, Proportion} = {Incidence\, Rate} * {Average\, Duration\, of\, Disease}$$

Briefly, it is worth explaining how prevalence and incidence relate to each other, conceptually and mathematically. Conceptually, prevalence over a time period is a function of both incidence (how many new cases are showing up?) and duration of disease (how long does each case last?). This is because the longer the duration of disease, the more incident cases accumulate during a time period. Consider a population of 100 people, 10 of whom get an upper respiratory infection on the first day of each month. If the infection lasts a full month, then, on average, the prevalence of such infections over time will be 10%: 10/100 for the first month, then a new 10/100 for the second month. But if the infection lasts 2 months, then, after the first month, the prevalence of infection will be about 20%: 10 cases from the first month and 10 more from the second month.6 This suggests a rough equivalency between prevalence, incidence, and duration, of the form:

where the squiggly equals sign (≈) means “approximately equal to.” More precisely, the relationship is

where the left side of the equation is exactly prevalence odds. This relationship will hold when the population is in “steady-state”; that is, constant (or nearly so) in composition and size and with constant (or nearly so) incidence rate and disease duration (Rothman, 2012; Rothman, Greenland, & Lash, 2008). If prevalence of the disease is low (typically, <10%), then this calculated prevalence odds will approximately equal to the prevalence proportion.

$$Risk = 1 - e^{-{Incident\, Rate\, *\, Time}}$$

$$Risk \approx {Incident\, Rate\, *\, Time}$$

In our preceding example, we might not get 10 cases in the second month: after the first month, there are only 90 people left who are not infected. If the incidence were 10% per month, we would expect 9 new cathan 10, because the population at risk of infection declines over time. This points to the relationship between the incidence rate and the incidence proportion (sometimes in this context called the cumulative incidence). In a closed cohort with a constant incidence rate, these two measures are related by the exponential formula as follows:ses, rather than 10, because the population at risk of infection declines over time. This points to the relationship between the incidence rate and the incidence proportion (sometimes in this context called the cumulative incidence). In a closed cohort with a constant incidence rate, these two measures are related by the exponential formula as follows:

where and time is the amount of time over which we wish to estimate risk (Rothman et al., 2008). Note again that here we are assuming a closed cohort (such that the number of individuals is diminishing over time), whereas in the relationship between prevalence and incidence, we assumed a steady-state population (people who leave the cohort are replaced by people entering the cohort). However, in parallel to the preceding relationship between prevalence and incidence, when risk is <10%, this relationship can be estimated as

Incidence Rate vs. Incidence Proportion

Odds and proportions


”Low” is generally considered to mean less than 10%. You can see why in the far right panel here.

As shown in Figure 1.1, as the prevalence proportion (the probability, on the x-axis) ranges from 0 to 1, the prevalence odds (y-axis) ranges from 0 to infinity.

Prevalence odds will approximate the prevalence proportion when the prevalence proportion is low but may otherwise overstate prevalence proportion.

mbcann01 commented 1 year ago

Life table methods

When you add life table methods, here is some text you can add back in.

"Collectively, these methods are typically referred to as survival analysis or time-to-event analysis. We typically prefer to use the term "time-to-event" analysis because it more clearly communicates the fact that these methods aren't only useful when our outcome of interest is death. "