In the Fall of 2023, I moved over a bunch of stuff from PowerPoint slides (nearly) verbatim. I was in a rush, so I told myself to move it just move it over and improve it later.
Go back, reread, and improve. PowerPoint doesn't always translate perfectly to book format.
Left off at
2023-10-16: I ran out of time to work on this in Fall 2023. So, I ended up just giving the class a PP presentation for the lab warm-up and assuming they didn't read anything valuable in the chapter.
2023-10-06: Moved over the PP slides. They still need a lot of work.
[ ] I made changes to the bias slides in Fall 2023 after adding slides to R4Epi. The changes were primarily to the slides where I walk through misclassification. Make sure the changes are reflected in the R4Epi chapter.
[ ] Clean up the current text.
[ ] Add structural definitions of bias. Review Hernan's edX videos and incorporate those lessons (Epi III > Resources > hernan > edX course)
[ ] Simulate differential and non-differential misclassification using the methods in Rudolph and Fox, example 1.
In the Fall of 2023, I moved over a bunch of stuff from PowerPoint slides (nearly) verbatim. I was in a rush, so I told myself to move it just move it over and improve it later.
Go back, reread, and improve. PowerPoint doesn't always translate perfectly to book format.
Left off at
2023-10-16: I ran out of time to work on this in Fall 2023. So, I ended up just giving the class a PP presentation for the lab warm-up and assuming they didn't read anything valuable in the chapter. 2023-10-06: Moved over the PP slides. They still need a lot of work.