Initially, I wanted to start as simply as possible. So, the let's get programming chapter only introduced vectors and data frames.
When the editor sent the book out for review, I got feedback saying that I needed to add some information about factors. So, I did.
In Fall 2023, as I was working on the measures of association chapter, I realized that I needed to add instructions for creating matrices. I did, but it still needs to be moved.
In Fall 2023, as I was working on the effect modification chapter, I realized that I need to add arrays and lists. I haven't done this yet.
Also, do we want to add arrays to the contingency tables chapter?
Do we want to add basic contingency tables to the descriptive analysis part of the book?
[ ] Add matrices after vectors. They are vectors with 2 dimensions -- rows and columns. However, they can only contain one data type.
[ ] Add arrays. We can add a third dimension with arrays. We won't use them much at all until we get to effect measure modification.
[ ] Add lists before data frames. Then, contrast them with data frames. They are less flexible, but make the most common data operations easier.