brad-shoop / splunk-security-onion

Security Onion Splunk App
10 stars 3 forks source link

Sguild and security onion app for splunk #1

Open jinverar opened 7 years ago

jinverar commented 7 years ago

Hello brad

I've been having an issue with the security onion 2.0 for splunk. Everything is working great except the dashboards with Sguild or OSSEC. I've been working at it for over 48 hours and gotta ask some questions.

Are there any logs specific to the app? I'm tailing the regular security onion logs but I don't see an output specific to security onion app.

logs to monitor for splunk

When I do a regular search for sguild then events come into splunk however when I do a search for the information in the sguild dashboard nothing displays. example is below.

search (sourcetype="sguild" classification!="{}")

With that search query nothing is displayed.

My sguil is not auto classifying alerts in mysql, would that be an issue?

I have looked through the data inputs on splunk and there is not data inputs specific to squild from what I can tell however I'm positive that I setup the security onion app correctly and everything is working perfectly with bro logs. I had to turn on the data inputs to get the snort rules added to the dashboard.

The GEO IP is working AMAZING and this looks like a great APP however I want to get the correct SQUILD information to display. Can we work together to figure this out?

Thank you


jinverar commented 7 years ago

When I load the security onion dashboard I get these two errors

Unable to find tag noise on eventtype The specified search will not match any events

and the bro notice dashboard loads a blue circle with some info.

The squild dashboard and the ossec dashboard display this

No results found. Inspect ...

In the bottom part of the overview webpage inside the Events of Interest the following dashboards work, and look really usefull!

Connection Byte Counts SSL Certificates Software Top Level Domains Anomalous Domains

and the following dashboards do not work and display the errror "No results found. Inspect...."

Sguil Events (Snort/Suricata/PADS) HTTP Files CIF Correlation

Thank you for the work you have done on the security onion app iteslf. I need a nudge in the correct direction to get this fixed.


jinverar commented 7 years ago

Moving on from all that,

I have classified a few rules with sguil and I'm working with the autocat.conf file.
I feel like I could be missing some mysql inputs.