brad999 / nikita

Nikita voice computing platform
MIT License
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Voice #5

Open brad999 opened 9 years ago

brad999 commented 9 years ago

Find more realistic voice engine

brad999 commented 9 years ago

Going to try to use Pico TTS:

brad999 commented 9 years ago

Pico is more realistic sounding however its very difficult to understand a number of words. Sticking with flite slt for the time being.

asantaga commented 9 years ago

Brad, I kinda liked Pico, its one of the better ones! :-)

brad999 commented 9 years ago

I liked Pico for the most part. It was just difficult to understand certain words, especially names. I'm still between using Pico and Flite's SLT voice.

asantaga commented 9 years ago

Brad (?), not sure if this is the right place to ask this.

  1. but Im having problems with recording side of things, when I test (arecord + aplay) the audio is very crackly do you find that?
brad999 commented 9 years ago

I had the same issue as well. I determined mine to be caused by my microphone (kinobo akiro). I does have a modest affect on the speech recognition, I usually have to speak very loud and close to the mic to be heard. I'm currently looking into a replacement microphone.

asantaga commented 9 years ago

Thanks Brad,

Yeah, Ive tried a couple of differnet mics and all give naff audio. However the same Mics work fine on Windows so Im guessing its a alasmixer setting.. perhaps oversampling???

BTW Great work your doing on this project, Im a java developer, but learning Python, hope to be able to help out..

Silly github questions

  1. Ive communicated to you via an "issue" , is tihs the only way to communicate with the developer??? Let me know if you prefer a different method
  2. I've cloned, and following your fork, hope thats ok! :-)
  3. Im assuming when your done your (excellent) changes will be merged back right?
brad999 commented 9 years ago
  1. Yes, communicating via an "issue" is the best way to collaborate on the project. If you would like to discuss a topic that currently doesn't fit in any of the open "issues" in this repository, feel free to create a new issue with the topic.
  2. That's great! I hope you enjoy it!
  3. Generally speaking the intent of forking a repository and making changes is so that those changes will get merged back into the main project. However, there a couple reasons that I don't plan on my fork being merged into the main project.

First, the main jasper project doesn't seem to want to merge in "modules" that others have made. Their plan, as far as I can tell, is to develop a separate centralized module repository so that users can grab only the specific modules they wish to include in their project.

Second, I don't plan on having most of my "non-module" changes merged back because I have a separate vision for this project than the main project contributors. I plan on splitting this into two "projects", a server and client version which will eventually allow me to run several "jasper-clients" and allow them to communicate/share common resources on the server. See #29 for a little more detail on this.

asantaga commented 9 years ago

Thanks for all the comments. I find communicating via an issue a little weird.. but ok.. Im a NooB github user so i'll go with the masses!

WRT merging in modules, I kinda understand the main projects owners concerns, thoughts.. Sticking modules into a seperate repo (like phonegap has) make sense.. IF they update their webpage appropriately... which Im not seeing now...

I'll read your plans for #29, sounds like an excellent idea.. I'll review it now.