/twitch thumbnail [name] [OPTIONAL:url] : You can now choose to set a custom thumbnail for live stream announcements for a specific streamer.
If you ever wish to reset a streamer’s thumbnail back to the default Twitch preview, just enter ‘default’ for the URL.
If you want to double check if a streamer has a custom thumbnail set, run the command without providing a URL for a preview
/twitch setmessage [message] : You can now customize the announcement message to be different from what I have set by default. Again, use 'default' to reset it.
In your message, if you use ‘{name}’ it will automatically convert to the streamer’s name when sending the message.
Ex: Hey @Notifications, {name} has just gone live on Twitch!
Fixed a bug causing Discord to cache the Twitch preview image, causing it to be old or broken sometimes
Fixed a bug causing the timestamps on embeds to display in MST timezone instead of the user’s local timezone
Made changes to all embeds to ‘beautify’ them (change in color palette, use of server icons, etc)
Migrated discord-py to v2.0+, complete overhaul to continue development
Improved all functions and data structures for modularity
Cleaned up a lot of duplicate and hard-coded BS
Removed all /overwatch related commands. The 3rd party API is so outdated and not maintained, will need to explore options if revisited
/schedule send [@ team1] [@ team2] [optional: thumbnail] - sends an announcement message to the designated channel about an upcoming match
/schedule setchannel [channel] - sets the channel to send match announcements to
modified the /twitch setchannel command to take in discord.TextChannel param instead of str, for easier verification
modified settings.json to save the twitch channel ID as an int, called "twitch_channel" instead of a generic name of "channel_id"
If you ever wish to reset a streamer’s thumbnail back to the default Twitch preview, just enter ‘default’ for the URL.
If you want to double check if a streamer has a custom thumbnail set, run the command without providing a URL for a preview
In your message, if you use ‘{name}’ it will automatically convert to the streamer’s name when sending the message.
Ex: Hey @Notifications, {name} has just gone live on Twitch!
Fixed a bug causing Discord to cache the Twitch preview image, causing it to be old or broken sometimes
Fixed a bug causing the timestamps on embeds to display in MST timezone instead of the user’s local timezone
Made changes to all embeds to ‘beautify’ them (change in color palette, use of server icons, etc)
Migrated discord-py to v2.0+, complete overhaul to continue development
Improved all functions and data structures for modularity
Cleaned up a lot of duplicate and hard-coded BS
Removed all /overwatch related commands. The 3rd party API is so outdated and not maintained, will need to explore options if revisited
Made JSON files actually readable...