bradharding / doomretro

The classic, refined DOOM source port. For Windows PC.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Voxel, Alpha bobbing and Custom HUD support #751

Open HerrDethnout opened 2 years ago

HerrDethnout commented 2 years ago

Why not? heh

As for the Voxel Support, we talked about it in the Doomworld thread: just adding it for keeping the record on github

Also Alpha bobbing and custom HUD would be great addition, I love how the alpha bobbing looks (up down movement than down up) and it's used in a lot of Gameplay Mods on Zdoom (D4T, Trailblazer and Brutal Doom/Project Brutality to say some).

I like the alt widescreen hud, but I want to add some info to it like monster item and secret count, or ammo account on the other weapons.

Thanks for this great port!