bradharding / doomretro

The classic, refined DOOM source port. For Windows PC.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Feature Request] r_rockettrails_translucency #824

Closed Firesth closed 7 months ago

Firesth commented 7 months ago

I think this is definitely such a small feature that not a lot of people will appreciate, but I most certainly would! I never really enjoyed the appearance of most sprites having any level of translucency, since it detracts from the original colors of the sprites. BUT, I really do enjoy the added effect of rocket trails, and at the same time, I would like to see where I am firing my rockets 😭. In my mind, this feature being added makes sense since there's already dedicated translucency commands for blood sprites, so why not rocket trails!

bradharding commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the suggestion @Firesth! This is certainly something I can implement. I'll look at doing it for the next release.

bradharding commented 7 months ago

So, done sooner than I thought... ;)