Hello, suddenly I started getting this error during compilation of my ios application using NS
[!] Unable to determine Swift version for the following pods:
- `SkyFloatingLabelTextField` does not specify a Swift version and none of the targets (`relicnativescriptfullapp`) integrating it have the `SWIFT_VERSION` attribute set. Please contact the author or set the `SWIFT_VERSION` attribute in at least one of the targets that integrate this pod.
Any thoughts about this issue? I saw the PodFile and the segment to add the configuration build variable SWIFT_VERSION is runned before the pod declaration for this plugin, so, maybe there is a fix on the platform variable or xconfig file in platforms that doesnt get wiped out after compilation.
My env configuration is:
$ tns info
✔ Getting NativeScript components versions information...
⚠ Update available for component nativescript. Your current version is 4.1.2 and the latest available version is 4.2.2.
✔ Component tns-core-modules has 4.2.0 version and is up to date.
⚠ Update available for component tns-android. Your current version is 4.1.3 and the latest available version is 4.2.0.
⚠ Update available for component tns-ios. Your current version is 4.1.0 and the latest available version is 4.2.0.
My PodFile created by NS:
target "relicnativescriptfullapp" do
# Begin Podfile - /Users/xxxxx/Documents/Projects/relic-nativescript-full-app/node_modules/nativescript-checkbox/platforms/ios/Podfile
pod 'BEMCheckBox', '~> 1.4.1'
# End Podfile
# Begin Podfile - /Users/xxxxx/Documents/Projects/relic-nativescript-full-app/node_modules/nativescript-imagepicker/platforms/ios/Podfile
pod 'QBImagePickerController', '~> 3.4.0'
# End Podfile
# Begin Podfile - /Users/xxxxx/Documents/Projects/relic-nativescript-full-app/node_modules/nativescript-iqkeyboardmanager/platforms/ios/Podfile
pod 'IQKeyboardManager', '~> 6.0.0'
# End Podfile
# Begin Podfile - /Users/xxxxx/Documents/Projects/relic-nativescript-full-app/node_modules/nativescript-loading-indicator/platforms/ios/Podfile
pod 'MBProgressHUD'
# End Podfile
# Begin Podfile - /Users/xxxxx/Documents/Projects/relic-nativescript-full-app/node_modules/nativescript-swift-3.0/platforms/ios/Podfile
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['SWIFT_VERSION'] = '3.0'
# End Podfile
# Begin Podfile - /Users/xxxxx/Documents/Projects/relic-nativescript-full-app/node_modules/nativescript-textinputlayout/platforms/ios/Podfile
pod 'SkyFloatingLabelTextField', '~> 3.3.0'
# End Podfile
# Begin Podfile - /Users/xxxxx/Documents/Projects/relic-nativescript-full-app/node_modules/nativescript-toast/platforms/ios/Podfile
pod 'Toaster', '~> 2.0.1'
# End Podfile
I got this fixed and is a cocoapods fault for 1.6 version, so please be aware of this, I hope this helps to someone else having the same issue. So downgrade to 1.5 version and that would be all.
Hello, suddenly I started getting this error during compilation of my ios application using NS
Any thoughts about this issue? I saw the PodFile and the segment to add the configuration build variable SWIFT_VERSION is runned before the pod declaration for this plugin, so, maybe there is a fix on the platform variable or xconfig file in platforms that doesnt get wiped out after compilation. thanks My env configuration is:
My PodFile created by NS: