bradstewart / electron-boilerplate-vue

Boilerplate application for Electron runtime
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Problem with npm run build #15

Closed dbalas closed 8 years ago

dbalas commented 8 years ago

Currently It's "build": "rimraf dist && mkdirp dist cross-env NODE_ENV=production webpack --progress --hide-modules --config build/", so mkdirp create cross-env, NODE_ENV=production and webpack folders. But it should be: rimraf dist && mkdirp dist && cross-env NODE_ENV=production webpack --progress --hide-modules --config build/ no?

bradstewart commented 8 years ago

Oh wow, you are absolutely right--not sure how I managed that one. Thanks for the heads up! Fixed in

dbalas commented 8 years ago

you're welcome, nice repo and good job!