bradstewart / electron-boilerplate-vue

Boilerplate application for Electron runtime
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external css files are not compiled? #43

Closed thalesrca closed 7 years ago

thalesrca commented 7 years ago

I'm having problem with css files location inside the project.

For now, the only way I get it working was placing them in the static directory.

I would like to know if there's a way to place them inside the assets directory (like: "assets/css") and when builded, they get compiled to app.css (to where the vuejs components css are compiled).


bradstewart commented 7 years ago

Files in app/assets will be compiled by webpack, assuming they are referenced by the entry file. If require('./app/assets/css/style') in main.js or App.vue doesn't work for you (it does for me), let me know.