bradstewart / electron-boilerplate-vue

Boilerplate application for Electron runtime
724 stars 94 forks source link

Bug fixes, updates, Vue 2, etc. #50

Open bradstewart opened 7 years ago

bradstewart commented 7 years ago

First, sorry I've been unresponsive/nonexistent lately; thanks for issue reports and PRs. We launched a few (private/internal unfortunately) tools based on Vue/Electron a few months back, and I've been working on other projects.

I did, however, manage to learn a few things around simplifying the build/packaging/release/deployment process (especially with webpack, native dependencies, and multiple OS targets) which I will bring back into this project along with answering issues and reviewing PRs.

I need to catch up on the last few months of updates for Electron (and related build tools), Vue 2 and Webpack over the next week or so, then I'll start updating this project.

Stuff I need to remember to make sure works:

Other things to do:

patleeman commented 7 years ago

Have you looked into using electron-builder as well? It packages app then creates installers for each respective operating system and can also sign your installer.

You can build for all three systems on a Mac.