bradwestfall / webdevphoenix

A list of companies that hire web developers in Phoenix
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Job Postings #19

Open bradwestfall opened 9 years ago

bradwestfall commented 9 years ago

I think the site would really come to life with job postings and a forum. I think they can be one in the same. Since it's a Jekyll project I can do Disqus comments on a page that is dedicated to job postings. My hope is that it would be a long running thread where people can post links to jobs at other sites. I don't think I want to host the postings themselves because:

  1. The know-how it takes to make pull requests. We can't expect job posters to know this. Company and developer profiles are different
  2. If lots were posted, the volume of work to accept and merge them
  3. The lack of discussion around the job

The Forum style approach solves all these. Also postings can more easily expire by virtue of falling off the thread when lots of new comments are posted.

stevesmename commented 9 years ago

Check out #20; I think solving the pull request maintenance will assist the project growth. I dislike running threads, IMO it just causes noise and very little interaction.

The know-how it takes to make pull requests. We can't expect job posters to know this. Company and developer profiles are different

I suggest a form for generating the YAML and creating the pull request then. (enhancement)

I think Disqus on each job posting would be cool.

bradwestfall commented 9 years ago

Yea, maybe a long running thread might bug people especially if disqus notifies everyone of new replies. I like the job profiles feature if the logistics are right. One thing to consider is expired job postings. I suppose It could either sort newest first and old ones just fall off in pagination (craigslist style). Or it can show job postings that are newer than X days - sort of an arbitrary expire days.

Btw, with a form creating YAML, are you saying to have JS capture the form fields and show YAML to the user with instructions on what to do next? I think you might be suggesting more than that but I might be missing something. I haven't worked with Travis enough to know how I would persist the form request to an eventual pull request

stevesmename commented 9 years ago

are you saying to have JS capture the form fields and show YAML to the user with instructions on what to do next?

That was my initial thought but still pondering it though, I had also thought a IFTTT recipe could be potentially used (i.e., form->YAML->email->PR).

bradwestfall commented 9 years ago

In any case, the JS with the immediate YAML feedback wouldn't be too hard and would make it easier on people. Could be a temp solution

MindyIproRecruiter commented 9 years ago

I am having trouble figuring this out. Can someone please help me. I am a Recruiter trying to post job openings that we have. I have tried to follow the instructions and I cannot figure out how to do the pull request that is needed.

bradwestfall commented 9 years ago

Hi Mindy, so this thread was about ideas for if/how we might introduce job postings into the website (which isn't currently a feature). We you asking about this, or another question about how to add company profiles?

MindyIproRecruiter commented 9 years ago

Hi Brad,

I added my company profile to my account. I cannot figure out how to link it to your webdeveloperphoenix account?

bradwestfall commented 9 years ago

Hi Mindy, let's move this conversation over to

bradwestfall commented 9 years ago

I actually don't know if I'm interested in having this site host job postings. There are so many that do. I was thinking of having a jobs page here that directs people to which is a free place to post jobs. CoHoots is a friend of mine and huge in the phoenix community. Thoughts?