bradyz / 2020_CARLA_challenge

"Learning by Cheating" (CoRL 2019) submission for the 2020 CARLA Challenge
181 stars 49 forks source link

team_code/ not found #4

Closed FitashUlHaq closed 4 years ago

FitashUlHaq commented 4 years ago


I am unable to find this file and the last commit shows this is removed, is it possible to run it without this file?

bradyz commented 4 years ago

this is now located in the leaderboard code, let me make sure everything is running smoothly and update the readme!

FitashUlHaq commented 4 years ago

thank you, much appreciated

bradyz commented 4 years ago

can i ask what is the command you're running?

FitashUlHaq commented 4 years ago

I was trying to run the pretrained model where the command is export TEAM_AGENT=scenario_runner/team_code/ # no need to change I tried to see the image_agent in team_code in scenario_runner but couldnt find it

bradyz commented 4 years ago

if you do export

does it work?

i'd also recommend updating all the submodules, specifically the leaderboard submodule

FitashUlHaq commented 4 years ago

with this export it works.

Thank you!