bragefuglseth / keypunch

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[Language Request]: Portugese #46

Open coldrenatinho opened 1 week ago

coldrenatinho commented 1 week ago

English Name


Native Name



The Portuguese alphabet consists of 26 letters, just like the English alphabet. However, there are a few additional letters specific to Portuguese: Ç (cedilha): This letter represents the “soft c” sound, similar to the English “s.” It appears only before the vowels “a,” “o,” and “u.” For example, “maçã” (apple). Â, Ê, Ô: These are circumflex-accented vowels, which indicate a different pronunciation. For instance, “pôr” (to put). Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú: These are acute-accented vowels, emphasizing the stressed syllable. For example, “público” (public). Ã, Õ: These are tilde-accented vowels, representing nasal sounds. For instance, “pão” (bread). The order of the alphabet is the same as in English. Word Separation: In Portuguese, words are separated by spaces, just like in English. Hyphenation is also common, especially in compound words or when joining prefixes or suffixes to a base word. For example, “guarda-chuva” (umbrella). Punctuation: Period (.): Used to end sentences, just like in English. Comma (,): Used for separating items in a list or clauses within a sentence. Question Mark (?): Indicates a question. Exclamation Mark (!): Expresses strong emotion or emphasis. Colon (:): Introduces a list, explanation, or quotation. Semicolon (;): Connects related independent clauses. Quotation Marks (" "): Used for direct speech or to enclose titles. Parentheses ( ): Provide additional information or clarification. Dash (—): Used for emphasis or to set off a phrase. Ellipsis (…): Indicates omission or trailing off. Apostrophe ('): Used for contractions and possessives (e.g., “d’água” for “of water”).

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bragefuglseth commented 1 week ago

Hi, thanks a lot for the language request! I'll go ahead and spin up an initial implementation. You can follow the steps in to build the development version the app, and choose Portugese from the language switcher to test it. Let me know if anything should be changed!

bragefuglseth commented 11 hours ago

Portugese text generation unfortunately won't ship in Keypunch 3.0 because it hasn't been tested properly yet.