braid-org / braid-spec

Working area for Braid extensions to HTTP
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Write Abstract Protocol #124

Open toomim opened 11 months ago

toomim commented 11 months ago

(As @mitar has often pointed out) as we get closer to proposing an actual IETF Braid Working Group, it could become worthwhile to write up a formal specification for the Abstract Braid protocol—the core concepts separated from any transport like HTTP.

This spec would help people create Braid-compatible specs for new transports, by articulating the concepts that need to be mapped into any particular transport spec. This spec would generalize:

We have a couple very drafts of such a thing floating around:

CxRes commented 11 months ago

I can help here with some questions for the notifications portion that I articulated the development of PREP:

I believe there is a protocol independent answer for each of these questions! I hope this helps...

toomim commented 11 months ago

This is a wonderful list @CxRes! Thank you! I am glad that you've put so much thought into this, and that we can now benefit from your insight and organized mind on the topic.

If I'm understanding correctly, this is essentially a list of questions that a protocol designer should answer in order to fully-specify a subscription/notifications protocol over any transport. If the designer has answered all these questions, I suspect that should be enough to fully specify the protocol!

CxRes commented 11 months ago

I would not say fully-specify, but these were the questions I came up with after I had made a proto-version of PREP. It should help mostly-specify a notifications protocol.

One of the benefits of putting the list out (selfishly) is that others can identify blindspots!