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Enable style checking (e.g. pmd) for all builds #3

Open joeha480 opened 8 years ago

joeha480 commented 8 years ago

Enable pmd for all projects

joeha480 commented 7 years ago

At the moment, I am using SonarLint in Eclipse and I find that it is easier to use in an interactive way. Enforcing a code style by failing a build is perhaps more useful if there are a lot of developers. Also, I find that the recommendations provided by these tools are questionable or even wrong sometimes, forcing you to add exceptions to the rules or adding annotations. This takes the focus away from more important tasks. In summary, the interactive integration in Eclipse works well and it is easy to ignore when appropriate (i.e. not being forced to deal with a particular style violation). Therefore, it is not very likely that this issue will be resolved anytime soon.