brailletouch / Brailletouch

This project seeks to develop a low-cost, open-source braille display. It is estimated that its cost is reduced to more than 90% compared to the cost of the cheapest screens that exist in the market today. // Este proyecto busca desarrollar una pantalla braille de código abierto y de bajo costo. Se estima que su coste se reduce a más de un 90%.
33 stars 7 forks source link

Revamp, added #2

Closed ClaudioGSDB closed 1 year ago

ClaudioGSDB commented 1 year ago

I have revised the README file to enhance its user-friendliness and intuitive layout. I've also removed the Spanish content and relocated it to a separate README file (, which is connected to the English version. Additionally, I've added a 'Get Involved' section to encourage future collaborators.