brailletouch / Brailletouch

This project seeks to develop a low-cost, open-source braille display. It is estimated that its cost is reduced to more than 90% compared to the cost of the cheapest screens that exist in the market today. // Este proyecto busca desarrollar una pantalla braille de código abierto y de bajo costo. Se estima que su coste se reduce a más de un 90%.
31 stars 7 forks source link

Next steps in development #3

Open chloe-everhart opened 11 months ago

chloe-everhart commented 11 months ago

Hi, Someone shared your project with me. I had a conversation with someone who is interested in funding development. How much would it cost to get this project to a place where a totally blind person could order one of these from an online store? On a related note, that person is interested in funding development of an image that has a text based home screen/launcher, where the home screen a launcher that you can just scroll up and down in, through alist of favorites, followed by a list of all programs listed alphabetically. It is hoped this will be of use to low vision people, totally blind people, light sensitive people (e-ink display friendly), and color blind people. If you can give me a number, I'll take that back to the interested potential funder.

discapacidad5 commented 7 months ago


I'm sorry for the delay in responding. The problem is that I don't speak English. My language is Spanish. On the other hand, I live in Venezuela, where the situation is difficult, and that has prevented me from being more involved in the project in recent months.

As for your question, I wasn't very clear about what you need. I would like you to explain it better. It would be great if you could find a translator and schedule a meeting via Zoom or Meet with the Spanish-English translator.

This project primarily seeks to be as affordable as possible and to be replicable and improved. It can be manufactured with available components or with parts assembled in a 3D printer. Regarding having a screen, it is part of the idea of the Brailletouch project to have a screen so that both Braille and text content can be displayed. We are also working on the idea that it can be modular, where modules can be incorporated according to the needs of the person. In this way, the screen module could be adapted to the needs of the person.

The project seeks to build a device that is as affordable as possible. The idea is that it does not exceed $100 in cost, although it could be considered a little more in the case of having additional modules. However, the initial idea is that a functional device can be acquired for $100. Then, additional modules could be incorporated for greater functionality at an additional cost.

I hope this is a good translation. Please let me know if you have any other questions.


cergio monasterio +584129994784

chloe-everhart commented 3 months ago

el ingles sigue

Lo siento, que yo no escribo despues mucho tiempo. Hablo un poco de Espanol. Quiero aprender mas Espanol. Que buena oportunidad por practicar!

Que ja esta lista en la pantalla braille?

Puedo ja pagar por se lo hace, si yo conozco un hombre con impresora 3D?

No se mucho sobre codifacacion o como hacer algo, o github. Kuriatus de Quill OS dice a mi sobre este projekto.

Que necesitas por continuar el proyecto?

Espero, que tu escribes mas rapide que yo.

Gracias, Chloe

English. Spanish above. English I'm sorry, I haven't written for a long time. I speak a little spanish. I want to learn more Spanish. What a good opportunity to practice!

What is ready on the braille display?

Can I pay to have it done if I know a man with a 3D printer?

I don't know much about coding or how to do something, or github. Kuriatus from Quill OS tells me about this project.

What do you need to continue the project?

I hope you write faster than me.

Thank you, Chloe

chloe-everhart commented 3 months ago

Es mas facil para mi escribir que tener un reunion. Puedemos escribir? It's easier for me to write than to meet. Could we write one another?

discapacidad5 commented 2 months ago


Hola Chloe,

En cuanto a tu pregunta sobre lo que necesitamos para continuar con el proyecto, necesitamos desarrollar el protocolo de comunicación HID de braille para que haya una comunicación efectiva entre el lector de pantalla y el dispositivo braille que estamos fabricando.

El diseño de la impresión en 3D corresponde a la parte física, es decir, la carcasa del dispositivo. Sin embargo, en este momento estamos enfocados en desarrollar la parte interna, el software que lo hará funcionar. Actualmente, estamos estancados en el desarrollo del protocolo de comunicación entre el dispositivo y los lectores de pantalla.

Lo que necesitamos para continuar el proyecto es alguien que conozca el protocolo HID de braille, algún programador que pueda desarrollar el controlador para que nuestros dispositivos sean reconocidos por los lectores de pantalla, ya sea en sistemas operativos Windows, Android o iPhone.

Una vez consigamos a la persona adecuada, podremos continuar con el desarrollo. Hasta ahora, se han presentado varios voluntarios, pero ninguno ha logrado desarrollar con éxito el controlador.

Seguimos esperando para poder avanzar, ya que necesitamos el controlador para poder realizar las pruebas. Si conoces a alguien que pueda ayudarnos a desarrollar este controlador, estaríamos encantados de recibir su apoyo. Necesitamos un controlador que permita que los lectores de pantalla reconozcan el dispositivo y le envíen la información que debe mostrar.

Gracias por tu interés y tu ayuda.

Saludos, Cergio Monasterio WhatsApp +584129994784


Hi Chloe,

Regarding your question about what we need to continue with the project, we need to develop the HID braille communication protocol to ensure effective communication between the screen reader and the braille device we are creating.

The 3D printing design pertains to the physical part, that is, the device casing. However, we are currently focused on developing the internal part, the software that will make it work. Right now, we are stuck on developing the communication protocol between the device and the screen readers.

What we need to continue the project is someone who knows the HID braille protocol, a programmer who can develop the driver so that our devices are recognized by screen readers on Windows, Android, or iPhone operating systems.

Once we find the right person, we can continue with the development. So far, several volunteers have come forward, but none have successfully developed the driver.

We are still waiting to move forward because we need the driver to conduct tests. If you know someone who can help us develop this driver, we would be delighted to receive their support. We need a driver that allows screen readers to recognize the device and send the information it should display.

Thank you for your interest and your help.

Best regards, Cergio Monasterio