brain-labs / brain

An esoteric programming language compiler on top of LLVM based on Brainfuck
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Nested if statements #37

Closed sunjay closed 7 years ago

sunjay commented 7 years ago

? if the value at the data pointer is zero , jumps to the block with : or ; and executes the commands one by one up to its correlative ;, otherwise, it executes the code until it finds a : or ;.

Do you support code like this?




Are you able to figure out which : to jump to?

luizperes commented 7 years ago

Hi @sunjay, It is completely possible to write code such as the snippet above. The code below was taken from a working system, the BrainStation(

>>>>>>>?:++; we will only have two sprites at cell 7
build values for distant cells for later jump

?->>>>>>^>>>+<<<<^:<<; if btn DOWN add Y of human object
?->>>>>>>>^>>>-<<<<^; if btn UP subtract Y of human object

>>>>>>>>^?:++; make number two if cell 41 is empty
<<?:++++++;>> go to cell 38 and make it 6 if empty
>+% add 1 to cell 42 and take it mod 2 because of the sprite number
<<?:+;^ go back to cell 1

monster 1
>>>>>>>>>^?:++; go to cell 48 and make number two if cell 48 is empty
>+%++ add 1 to cell 49 and take it mod 2 and add 2 because of monster sprite
>?--:++>_%<++++++++++++; if cell 16 is equal to 0 then we reset it to 15

?: if cell 50 is equal to zero
   > go to cell 51
   ? check if it is different from zero
     <<<<<<<< go to cell 43
     ?<<<<<^?:+;; if cell 43 different from zero then game over
   : if cell 51 equal to zero
     <<<<<<<< go to cell 43
     ?:<<<<<^?:+;; if cell equal to zero then game over

You should also be able to find other examples here:

Brain also has it's own visualizer for fast tests purposes here:

Thank you

luizperes commented 7 years ago
?+++++++?;; nested if

Nested ifs(without elses) are also possible