brain-score / brainio_contrib

contribute stimuli or data to BrainIO
3 stars 11 forks source link

setup continuous integration #4

Closed mschrimpf closed 4 years ago

mschrimpf commented 5 years ago

My favorite CI providers are:

  1. Travis (remote; worked with it in the past; $69/month for private repos but potentially free for .edu)
  2. Jenkins (self-hosted)
  3. CodeShip (I know the founder, so good support line) see also

There are then three checks until a pull request is merged:

  1. automatic (see below)
  2. Chris: to accept the run
  3. Sachi: after the data has been collected and the assembly is available in Brain-Score

Automatic checks:

Further points to discuss:

mschrimpf commented 4 years ago

Done a while ago now