brain-score / vision

A framework for evaluating models on their alignment to brain and behavioral measurements (50+ benchmarks)
MIT License
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Error when checking models, OSError: [Errno 5] Input/output error #620

Open YudiXie opened 4 months ago

YudiXie commented 4 months ago

I am trying to submit a model following the tutorial here:

However, when I run the local check check_models.check_base_models(__name__) I got the following error.

[yu_xie@node091 yudixie_resnet50_imagenet1kpret_0_240222]$ python
/om/user/yu_xie/miniconda3/envs/brainscore/lib/python3.7/site-packages/brainscore_core/metrics/ FutureWarning: xarray subclass Score should explicitly define __slots__
  class Score(DataAssembly):
Loaded model from yudixie_resnet50_imagenet1kpret_0_240222_weights.pth
Loaded model from yudixie_resnet50_imagenet1kpret_0_240222_weights.pth
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 67, in <module>
  File "/weka/scratch/weka/dicarlo/yu_xie/projects/brain-score/brainscore_vision/model_helpers/check_submission/", line 38, in check_base_models
    check_processing(model, module)
  File "/weka/scratch/weka/dicarlo/yu_xie/projects/brain-score/brainscore_vision/model_helpers/check_submission/", line 46, in check_processing
    benchmark = _MockBenchmark()
  File "/weka/scratch/weka/dicarlo/yu_xie/projects/brain-score/brainscore_vision/model_helpers/check_submission/", line 61, in __init__
    assembly_repetition = load_dataset("MajajHong2015.public").sel(region="IT").squeeze("time_bin")
  File "/weka/scratch/weka/dicarlo/yu_xie/projects/brain-score/brainscore_vision/", line 34, in load_dataset
    return data_registry[identifier]()
  File "/weka/scratch/weka/dicarlo/yu_xie/projects/brain-score/brainscore_vision/data/majajhong2015/", line 55, in <lambda>
    stimulus_set_loader=lambda: brainscore_vision.load_stimulus_set('hvm-public'),
  File "/weka/scratch/weka/dicarlo/yu_xie/projects/brain-score/brainscore_vision/data_helpers/", line 42, in load_assembly_from_s3
    stimulus_set = stimulus_set_loader()
  File "/weka/scratch/weka/dicarlo/yu_xie/projects/brain-score/brainscore_vision/data/majajhong2015/", line 55, in <lambda>
    stimulus_set_loader=lambda: brainscore_vision.load_stimulus_set('hvm-public'),
  File "/weka/scratch/weka/dicarlo/yu_xie/projects/brain-score/brainscore_vision/", line 41, in load_stimulus_set
    return stimulus_set_registry[identifier]()
  File "/weka/scratch/weka/dicarlo/yu_xie/projects/brain-score/brainscore_vision/data/majajhong2015/", line 104, in <lambda>
  File "/weka/scratch/weka/dicarlo/yu_xie/projects/brain-score/brainscore_vision/data_helpers/", line 67, in load_stimulus_set_from_s3
    stimuli_paths = [Path(stimuli_directory) / local_path for local_path in os.listdir(stimuli_directory)
OSError: [Errno 5] Input/output error: '/home/yu_xie/.brainio/image_dicarlo_hvm-public'
mschrimpf commented 4 months ago

This seems to be an OS error from the call to os.listdir. Is that directory somehow exceedingly large? (maybe related:

YudiXie commented 4 months ago

yes the directory /home/yu_xie/.brainio/image_dicarlo_hvm-public seems to contain many files, many images, for example

mike-ferguson commented 4 months ago

This can also occur (according to some other internet sources) if either memory or disk space has been exceeded. Are you maxing out a storage quota anywhere?

YudiXie commented 4 months ago

I just checked, and I have ample space on the disk

mike-ferguson commented 4 months ago

Gotcha- do you have read/write permissions for /home/yu_xie/.brainio/image_dicarlo_hvm-public?

@mschrimpf is this indicative of something we need to change in load_stimulus_set_from_s3?

YudiXie commented 4 months ago

Yes, I have. If this information helps: /home/yu_xie/.brainio is a symbolic link to a directory on om. I use this because openmind has a small home quota.

mschrimpf commented 4 months ago

we have used this function for the last years without a problem, so my guess would be that this is random OpenMind shenanigans. FWIW I did sometimes see similar OS errors (outside of Brain-Score for other code) with a similar symlink setup

YudiXie commented 4 months ago

I tried to test this multiple times on openmind at different times with different compute node during the day, and this error persists. Have people been able to run check_models.check_base_models(__name__) successfully on openmind?

mike-ferguson commented 4 months ago

We have had test runs on Openmind of the check_models function, but I will confirm this again

mike-ferguson commented 1 month ago

@YudiXie Just wanted to follow up on this