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Idea: Skill proficiency #5

Closed anibalsolon closed 4 years ago

anibalsolon commented 4 years ago

Hi @katjaq and @r03ert0

The website is amazing, congrats! The Voronoi is indeed hypnotizing πŸ˜„and the idea is magnificent, the link via Github topic is 🀯

If I understood correctly, people will include their skills and it will match them with projects that might need help, is that correct? If so, it would be nice if a person could also include proficiency (although subjective) from e.g 1 to 5 and maybe something like "interested to learn", so it could link e.g. a proficient pythonist and a wannabe to the same project, to stimulate this knowledge sharing. @complexbrains brought up the great point about possible biases that it might incur (towards people w more proficiency), but we are not sure how it could affect the process.

Of course, the matching algorithm is an on-going thing, and I guess we will learn more about it later :)

Eager to collaborate with the project! πŸ€—

r03ert0 commented 4 years ago

it'd be nice to pimp that skills dialog! The main issue to take into account will be user experience (you don't want to make the process too slow, or make a complex interface). Maybe we could use the next hackathon to try out possible interfaces? We've been using Quasar for the development, and it comes with a lot of nice widgets which could be tried out. Check

In addition, we could import skills from LinkedIn? Let people enter their twitter handle? Link to their GitHub repos?

katjaq commented 4 years ago

@anibalsolon thanks for joining in! and for the kind words :D For the moment we are not matching people with projects, we are building the network based on shared skills, weighted. We'd like to add project filtering and more soon :) For the moment, issues in the repos indexed in BrainWeb could be tagged so people find their best match...

anibalsolon commented 4 years ago

Yes @r03ert0 I definitely understand the UX issue- we could extend the QSelect and QChip components to provide this input for the user, e.g. image and it would also need to extend the data model of the selector, so as to allow this info to be stored. But I digress πŸ™ƒ Since we already have their token from Github, it should be potentially trivial to gather which projects within the topic #brainweb they collaborate, to at least suggest skills to input.

@katjaq yay! πŸŽ‰ πŸ€— yes, one step at the time πŸ˜…and being issue-oriented is a great idea, way more direct on how one could collaborate with the project!

I will close here for further discussion on the channel πŸ€— Thank you both for the feedback!