braincrafted / bootstrap-bundle

BraincraftedBootstrapBundle integrates Bootstrap into Symfony2 by providing templates, Twig extensions, services and commands.
MIT License
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Composer Deprecation Notice #449

Closed abastien closed 5 years ago

abastien commented 7 years ago

Followed the installation tutorial and inserted the glyphicons with the scripthandler like explained at

{ ... "scripts": { "post-install-cmd": [ ... "Braincrafted\\Bundle\\BootstrapBundle\\Composer\\ScriptHandler::install" ], "post-update-cmd": [ ... "Braincrafted\\Bundle\\BootstrapBundle\\Composer\\ScriptHandler::install" ] } ... }

Composer throw me an error message when I run composer update : However the fonts are copied but the warning message is annoying.

Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::installRequirementsFile Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::prepareDeploymentTarget Deprecation Notice: The callback Braincrafted\Bundle\BootstrapBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::install declared at /home/www/vendor/braincrafted/bootstrap-bundle/Braincrafted/Bundle/BootstrapBundle/Composer/ScriptHandler.php accepts a Composer\Script\CommandEvent but post-update-cmd events use a Composer\Script\Event instance. Please adjust your type hint accordingly, see in phar:///usr/local/bin/composer/src/Composer/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php:289 Braincrafted\Bundle\BootstrapBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::install Copied icon fonts to /home/www/app/../web/fonts.

fogs commented 7 years ago

Same here..

alex-barylski commented 7 years ago

Can this issue not be closed?

abastien commented 5 years ago

@alex-barylski : Yes you're right mate ;) I close it.