braincrafted / bootstrap-bundle

BraincraftedBootstrapBundle integrates Bootstrap into Symfony2 by providing templates, Twig extensions, services and commands.
MIT License
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Syntax error during assetic:dump #454

Open zsimaiof opened 8 years ago

zsimaiof commented 8 years ago

Hi. i have just installed the bundle along LESS (official release with node.js by using npm install -g less) and i have already installed assetic bundle (i am using Symfony 2.8). in the config.yml i configured assetic as stated in the instructions :

assetic: filters: less: node: /usr/local/bin/node/node.js node_paths: [/usr/local/lib/node_modules] apply_to: ".less$" cssrewrite: ~ braincrafted_bootstrap: css_preprocessor: less

when i try to php app/console assetic:dump i get the following error :

[Assetic\Exception\FilterException] An error occurred while running: '/usr/local/bin/node/node.js' '/tmp/assetic_less7terOU' Error Output: /usr/local/bin/node/node.js: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token (' /usr/local/bin/node/node.js: line 1:var Node = function() {'

What is wrong????? Is it possible to have

mvrhov commented 8 years ago

You are using an too old version of assetic bundle.

zsimaiof commented 8 years ago

Take a look at my composer.json. i am using dev-master. { "name": "root/recordsedit", "license": "proprietary", "type": "project", "autoload": { "psr-4": { "": "src/" }, "classmap": [ "app/AppKernel.php", "app/AppCache.php" ] }, "repositories": [ { "type": "package", "package": { "name": "jquery/jquery", "version": "1.11.1", "dist": { "url": "", "type": "file" } } } ], "require": { "php": ">=5.3.9", "symfony/symfony": "2.8.", "doctrine/orm": "^2.4.8", "doctrine/doctrine-bundle": "~1.4", "symfony/swiftmailer-bundle": "~2.3", "symfony/monolog-bundle": "~2.4", "sensio/distribution-bundle": "~5.0", "sensio/framework-extra-bundle": "^3.0.2", "incenteev/composer-parameter-handler": "~2.0", "symfony/assetic-bundle":"dev-master", "twbs/bootstrap": "3.0._", "jquery/jquery": "1.11.*", "knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle": "dev-master", "knplabs/knp-menu-bundle": "dev-master", "knplabs/knp-menu": "dev-master", "braincrafted/bootstrap-bundle": "~2.0"

"require-dev": {
    "sensio/generator-bundle": "~3.0",
    "symfony/phpunit-bridge": "~2.7"
"scripts": {
    "symfony-scripts": [
    "post-install-cmd": [

    "post-update-cmd": [

"config": {
    "bin-dir": "bin"
"extra": {
    "symfony-app-dir": "app",
    "symfony-web-dir": "web",
    "symfony-assets-install": "relative",
    "incenteev-parameters": {
        "file": "app/config/parameters.yml"
    "branch-alias": null


zsimaiof commented 8 years ago

i have updated to version 2.8 of assetic . it still comes up with the error : [Assetic\Exception\FilterException] An error occurred while running: '/usr/local/bin/node/node.js' '/tmp/assetic_less7terOU' Error Output: /usr/local/bin/node/node.js: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token (' /usr/local/bin/node/node.js: line 1:var Node = function() {'

during the assetic:dump I am attaching the composer show in order to take a look at the versions installed and check for possible conflicts. image

mvrhov commented 8 years ago

You should try the master version of assetic, if it still doesn't work, then you have installed to new version of less