braindead1 / ioBroker.robonect

ioBroker.robonect is an ioBroker adapter for your Robonect HX enabled lawn mower.
MIT License
8 stars 4 forks source link

Implement missing API calls #10

Open braindead1 opened 4 years ago

braindead1 commented 4 years ago

Describe the idea
According to some API calls are not or not fully implemented. The missing API calls should be implemented if they are useful in the adapter.

braindead1 commented 4 years ago


/json?cmd=gps {"gps": {"satellites": 17, "latitude": "51°19.0000 N", "longitude": "9°23.000 E"}, "successful": true}

Remote start

/json?cmd=remote { "remotestart_1": { "name": "Fernstart 1", "visible": true, "path": 2, "proportion": 50, "distance": 10 }, "remotestart_2": { "name": "Fernstart 2", "visible": true, "path": 2, "proportion": 50, "distance": 2 }, "successful": true }


/json?cmd=report {"report": {"dev": {"enable": false}, "mower": {"feature": {"id": 1, "msw": 6, "brand": "G", "model": "R70Li", "state": 1, "state19": 17, "pwr": false, "stop": false}}, "frame19": {"a": 0, "preventMowing": 2, "d": 1, "stopped": 0, "e": 1, "weatherTimerArmed": 0, "f": 0, "g": 0, "h": 0, "i": 0}, "sync": {"unlocked": true, "clearPending": false, "state": 8, "index": 0}, "odo": {"forward": 2917929, "backward": 153593, "unknown0": 2079, "unknown1": 234, "unknown2": 0, "unknown3": 0, "unknown4": 0, "unknown5": 0}}, "successful": true}


/json?cmd=timer&timer=1&start=06:00&end=09:00&mo=1&tu=1&we=1&th=1&fr=1&sa=1&su=1&enable=1 Update timer with ID 1


/json?cmd=weather JSON is depending on whether City-ID or zip-code is used. { "service": { "enable": true, "location": { "zip": "40589", "country": "de" }, "config": { "maxrain": 100, "mintemp": 0, "maxtemp": 50, "minhumidity": 0, "maxhumidity": 100, "dontmowduringday": false, "dontmowduringnight": false } }, "weather": { "break": false, "rain": 0, "temperature": 8, "humidity": 76, "sunrise": 1584686080, "sunset": 1584729925, "day": true, "city": "Düsseldorf", "icon": "", "condition": { "toorainy": false, "toocold": false, "toowarm": false, "toodry": false, "toowet": false, "day": false, "night": false }, "timestamp": { "date": "2020-03-20", "time": "15:38:04", "unix": 1584718684 } }, "successful": true }

{ "service": { "enable": true, "location": { "cityid": 2934246 }, "config": { "maxrain": 100, "mintemp": 0, "maxtemp": 50, "minhumidity": 0, "maxhumidity": 100, "dontmowduringday": false, "dontmowduringnight": false } }, "weather": { "break": false, "rain": 0, "temperature": 8, "humidity": 76, "sunrise": 1584686092, "sunset": 1584729937, "day": true, "city": "Düsseldorf", "icon": "", "condition": { "toorainy": false, "toocold": false, "toowarm": false, "toodry": false, "toowet": false, "day": false, "night": false }, "timestamp": { "date": "2020-03-20", "time": "15:46:33", "unix": 1584719193 } }, "successful": true }

/json?cmd=weather&service=0 Disable weather polling {"service": {"enable": false}, "weather": {"break": false, "rain": 0, "temperature": 10, "humidity": 61, "sunrise": 1585376188, "sunset": 1585421915, "day": true, "city": "Düsseldorf", "icon": "", "condition": {"toorainy": false, "toocold": false, "toowarm": false, "toodry": false, "toowet": false, "day": false, "night": false}, "timestamp": {"date": "2020-03-28", "time": "09:59:29", "unix": 1585389569}}, "successful": true}

/json?cmd=weather&service=1 Enable weather polling {"service": {"enable": true, "location": {"zip": "40589", "country": "de"}, "config": {"maxrain": 100, "mintemp": 0, "maxtemp": 50, "minhumidity": 0, "maxhumidity": 100, "dontmowduringday": false, "dontmowduringnight": false}}, "successful": true}


/json?cmd=wire { "sensors": [ { "description": "Sensor front", "quality": 100, "a": 17192, "n": 256, "f": 40817, "g1": 10780 }, { "description": "Sensor rear/left", "quality": 100, "a": 17117, "n": 256, "f": 40653, "g1": 8554 } ], "successful": true }

braindead1 commented 4 years ago

Polls of GPS and weather implemented in v0.0.11

r748 commented 4 years ago

Please also implement the "Job" API call:


....job <Mäher führt einen Mähauftrag aus> ........duration <Dauer des Auftrages. Wenn der Mäher lädt, läuft die 'Uhr' dennoch!> ........start <Startuhrzeit 'hh:mm', kann entfallen, dann gilt 'sofort' ........end <Endzeit 'hh:mm'> ........after <Modus, der nach diesem Mähauftrag aktiviert werden soll. '0' bedeutet, den Modus nicht ändern> ........remotestart <Fernstartpunkt; 0:Ladestation, 1:Startpunkt 1, 2: Startpunkt 2; evtl. 0:Standard(?), 1:Normal(?), 2: Pkt 1, 3: Pkt 2>

Thanks for this nice adapter!