Closed MartiMan79 closed 1 year ago
P.S.: My S7-1200 is now communicating perfectly with the Pico! Just getting the registers connected to the GPIO is the last step...
Would love to support your work, so please let me know how to donate (Wenn möglich natürlich, mit Grüssen aus Belgien). Especially if you compare the S7 module prices to the Pico 🤣
Good morning again @MartiMan79
May you have a look at this example function It's a simple callback executed whenever a new register value is set.
You could use your pin as global
and update it on every HREG change for example. Not 100% sure with the code, had no hardware or second screen available on the way to work
pwm_led = None
# ... other setup and instructions here
def PWM_init():
global pwm_led
LED_BUILTIN = 25 # For Raspberry Pi Pico
pwm_led = PWM(Pin(LED_BUILTIN, mode=Pin.OUT)) # Attach PWM object on the LED pin
# Settings
def my_holding_register_set_cb(reg_type, address, val):
global pwm_pin
print('Custom callback, called on setting {} at {} to: {}'.
format(reg_type, address, val))
# register that callback for a specific register
register_definitions['HREGS']['EXAMPLE_HREG']['on_set_cb'] = my_holding_register_set_cb
# ... other code
With those callbacks at hand you could also setup the pins via register callbacks or the duty Cycle. So many new ideas in my head ...
Regarding funding. Danke für die Blumen und Grüße nach Belgien. I'm happier to see others using, contributing, staring this lib (and my other repos) than having one more coffee
Got it all working, awesome guys! Well this was worth more than just a coffee! So thanks, really! Now I can dim the whole house by Siri commands and HMI 🤣 (ioBroker on RPi 4B)
Thought I'd share the solution here...
RPi Pico with WIZnet ethernet HAT 5100s as 10ch dimmer over Modbus TCP
Download the latest firmware (I used v1.19.1 (2022-06-18) .uf2 from
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# system packages
import time
import os
# import modbus client classes
from umodbus.tcp import ModbusTCP
from umodbus import version
from machine import Pin, SPI, PWM
import network
import json
# W5x00 chip init
def w5x00_init():
spi = SPI(0, 2_000_000, mosi=Pin(19), miso=Pin(16), sck=Pin(18))
nic = network.WIZNET5K(spi, Pin(17), Pin(20)) # spi, cs, reset pin
# None DHCP
nic.ifconfig(('', '', '', ''))
# nic.ifconfig('dhcp')
while True:
print('Waiting for network connection...')
if nic.isconnected():
print('Connected to network.')
print('Network connection established')
print('IP address: ', nic.ifconfig())
print("MicroPython infos: {}".format(os.uname()))
print("Used micropthon-modbus version: {}".format(version.__version__))
pwm1 = None
def PWM_init():
global pwm1, pwm2, pwm3, pwm4, pwm5, pwm6, pwm7, pwm8, pwm9, pwm10
pwm1 = PWM(Pin(6)) # Attach PWM object
pwm2 = PWM(Pin(7)) # Attach PWM object
pwm3 = PWM(Pin(8)) # Attach PWM object
pwm4 = PWM(Pin(9)) # Attach PWM object
pwm5 = PWM(Pin(10)) # Attach PWM object
pwm6 = PWM(Pin(11)) # Attach PWM object
pwm7 = PWM(Pin(12)) # Attach PWM object
pwm8 = PWM(Pin(13)) # Attach PWM object
pwm9 = PWM(Pin(14)) # Attach PWM object
pwm10 = PWM(Pin(15)) # Attach PWM object
# Settings
#pwm1.freq(1000) #Standard is 1000hZ
# ===============================================
# connect to a network
# ===============================================
# TCP Slave setup
tcp_port = 502 # port to listen to
local_ip = ''
client = ModbusTCP()
is_bound = False
is_bound = client.get_bound_status()
print('Initial IP and port binding status: {}'.format(is_bound))
if not is_bound:
client.bind(local_ip=local_ip, local_port=tcp_port)
print('Now bound to address {} and port {}'.format(local_ip, tcp_port))
def my_holding_register_set_cb(reg_type, address, val):
print('Custom callback, called on setting {} at {} to: {}'.
format(reg_type, address, val))
pwm1.duty_u16(int (val[0] * 65534/100))
pwm2.duty_u16(int (val[1] * 65534/100))
pwm3.duty_u16(int (val[2] * 65534/100))
pwm4.duty_u16(int (val[3] * 65534/100))
pwm5.duty_u16(int (val[4] * 65534/100))
pwm6.duty_u16(int (val[5] * 65534/100))
pwm7.duty_u16(int (val[6] * 65534/100))
pwm8.duty_u16(int (val[7] * 65534/100))
pwm9.duty_u16(int (val[8] * 65534/100))
pwm10.duty_u16(int (val[9] * 65534/100))
def my_holding_register_get_cb(reg_type, address, val):
print('Custom callback, called on getting {} at {}, currently: {}'.
format(reg_type, address, val))
new_val = val[0] + 1
client.set_ireg(address=address, value=new_val)
print('Incremented current value by +1 before sending response')
def reset_data_registers_cb(reg_type, address, val):
global client
global register_definitions
print('Resetting register data to default values ...')
print('Default values restored')
with open('registers/example.json', 'r') as file:
register_definitions = json.load(file)
register_definitions['HREGS']['EXAMPLE_HREG']['on_set_cb'] = my_holding_register_set_cb
register_definitions['HREGS']['EXAMPLE_HREG']['on_get_cb'] = my_holding_register_get_cb
print('Setting up registers ...')
print('Register setup done')
print('Serving as TCP client on {}:{}'.format(local_ip, tcp_port))
while True:
result = client.process()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('KeyboardInterrupt, stopping TCP client...')
except Exception as e:
print('Exception during execution: {}'.format(e))
print("Finished providing/accepting data as client")
"HREGS": {
"register": 0,
"len": 10,
"val": [50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50],
"description": "Example HREGS register, Hregs (setter+getter) [0, 65535]",
"range": "",
"unit": ""
Finally I got the communication running but I'm really stuck with how to transfer the ModbusTCP received values (register) to the GPIO pins... After days of searching the web I find no examples at all regarding what I'm trying to do here. I know this is not an issue with the library but maybe useful for others in the future as documentation.
So my apologies in advance for such a rookie question.
Reproduction steps
I will receive multiple 0-100% values (HREG) in the registry from my s7-1200 PLC and want to control onboard PWMs accordingly as a cheap way to dim LED lighting in my house.
Per example, how do I get the value of this register entry:
as a usable value inside the rest of the code? Let's say in here, where the 32000 is:
MicroPython version
MicroPython board
Raspberry Pico
Relevant log output
No response
User code
No response
Additional informations
No response